18. Jealousy Is a Bitch

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The weekend went by on a blur and when I realized it was already Monday morning.

As if just cutting my two-day short lived freedom wasn't enough, this Monday was worse.

It was an I call in sick Monday.

An I got my period Monday.

If you already think that's bad, It doesn't end there.

Let me say it plainly, It included History and Mr Gomez.

Oh! and don't forget the killer project.

You got it?

Yeah. Today we had to present our project to the whole class. As if standing in front of fifty pairs of eyes was an everyday thing for me. No problem. Not that they'd be paying attention to whatever came out of my mouth anyway. Most probably they'd be fooling around with their phones or chewing gum or doodling on the side of their notepads while I fidgeted, stammered and made an idiot out of myself. Luckily I wouldn't be going alone to the slaughter, Hannah was part of my team and she was great with presentations and dodging difficult questions aimed at her. The only thing I worried about is how much she'd be moving her restless arms. Hope Mr Gomez doesn't end up in hospital. I didn't hate him that much.

I tightened my grip on the strap of my bag as I made my way across the hall towards the torture room. I'd gotten up early to go over my notes and now I was fighting to stay upright, my eyes were tired and a bit puffy and I was seconds away from taking a nap on the hallway.

Rubbing the back of my palm over my sore eyes, I hurried towards the door before the bell rang. The last thing I wanted was a tardy slip too.

Then I spotted him.

I blinked away my daze to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

He stood on the opposite side of the door, one of his shoulders popped against the wall, his back to me. He looked good as always, his hair styled on spikes on top of his head and a navy blue bomber jacket which I was sure did wonders to his eyes.

But what caught my attention was the manicured hand lying on his forearm.


As if the day couldn't get worse.

I felt my stomach churn.

She'd been nice to me at the party but I had reasons to be distrustful. I had heard things, I'd seen things...

Just keep walking and enter the class Kalley. You don't care what he does with Emily. You don't.

I wanted to listen to myself, I really did, but I couldn't move. My feet were rooted to the spot.

Ryan was talking, his voice too low for me to hear. I could see Emily's face perfectly well though. And by the looks of it, what came out of Ryan's mouth wasn't what she'd been expecting. Her lips dropped into a pout and she replied something, looking at him through her eyelashes. And even though the movement was so childish and cliché it made her look cute. Ryan shook his head and looked up at the ceiling in what could only be described as annoyance before looking down at her. As they discussed, Emily tilted her head to the side, her green eyes drifting past Ryan's shoulders to fix on me.

My heart almost jumped straight out of my chest. I'd been caught.


Her eyes widened in surprise, but it was quickly replaced by glee as she waved her fingers in my direction. I had a feeling it would be very hard to peel away the layers of this girl.

I waited for Ryan to turn around and check who she'd just greeted. He didn't.

Instead I was left watching as her fingers played with the hem of his jacket thinking I liked to torture myself because looking at them was painful. There was a familiarity there, and intimacy that was impossible to pass up.

I never thought it was possible to feel nauseous about something like that. I could blame it on eating breakfast on a rush this morning, but I knew better. Why did he let her touch him like that? Not that he was mine or anything, but seriously? He'd been looking at me like that just two days ago.

My fists clenched at my sides and I had the urge to go there and slap both their pretty faces.

I watched as she took a step closer and stood on the tips of her toes to whisper something against his ear, Ryan's hand dropping to her waist in order to steady her.

I don't care. I don't care.

I repeated to myself. That wasn't what my heart said though.

Her lips grazed the shell of his ear as she spoke and Ryan froze. She finally dropped back and smirked up at him. Slowly, oh so slowly, he lifted his head to look over his shoulder.

His green eyes finding mine.

I didn't wait for him to explain. I wasn't sure I wanted him to. I just hurried and entered the classroom before he could make up some lame excuse.

I knew what I'd seen.

I dropped down on the seat besides Hannah, my eyes burning a hole through the table. I didn't pay attention to whatever Hannah said when I arrived. I felt hot all over. And not the pleasant kind. Could she be the girl he and dangerous guy were talking about yesterday? I considered it for a moment.


Was I jealous? No way. I won't let myself be jealous over her.

"Hey! What's wrong? You're scaring me," Hannah whispered beside me. "I know we said this would be a killer project and all, but the look on your face...my, I'm a second away from screaming bloody murder."

I took a deep breath. Ok. I knew this could happen right? It's not like Ryan wasn't a player. Layla had already warned me.

"Kalley," Hannah poked my arm.

I shook my head at her. I didn't want to talk about it. I was clinging to the last shred of sanity I'd left.

Just in time, the person who was to blame for my sudden murderous tendencies, walked inside the class. I could feel his eyes on me. I didn't look up and he said nothing as he passed by to sit a few rows back.

I'd admit I felt the knife twist on my stomach when he didn't even try to approach me. Wait? Wasn't that what I'd wanted?

I huffed. He drove me mad. My head was a mess of thoughts fighting for dominance. And as Mr Gomez entered the class, I tried to tune them all out. One thing I was sure of, I wouldn't let any boy affect my grades.


a/n: Hey guys, I have this story already outlined, but I wanted to give you the chance to voice your opinions about the story so far...since I'm still writing. Who knows, maybe you could add some twists to it!

Here it goes:

Which is you favourite character?

What do you think about Ryan and Kalley's relationship?

And Tyler?

Would you like more action revolving Ryan and the tattooed guy or a more romantic update?

Let me know!

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