Chapter 8

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I'm not sure how long I slept for, but it was the best, dreamless sleep I have ever had. Olivia told me that I was going to meet a few more people later and would come get me when it was time. I decided to lay on the bed and read one of the books from the bookshelves, but I fell asleep because the bed was too comfortable. Eventually, I was awoken by Olivia, just as she said she would.

"Claire." Olivia shook my body. "It's time to get up. I let you rest a little longer than I was supposed to."

I groaned, "But it's so soft."

"Yes, it is, but you don't want to keep the royal family waiting, do you?"

My eye popped open and looked at her.  "Royal family?"

"You haven't forgotten already?" She asked, amused.

"No, I just assumed this was all a dream." I got off of the bed and glanced around the room.

"You are handling your situation very well, you know. A lot of people would be scared or freaked out being around vampires," she complimented with her head cocked.

I laughed at that and shrugged.  "Well, I think it hasn't really sunk in yet...and this place beats where I was before."

Olivia didn't respond and continued to touch up my hair. After she was content with her work, she escorted me to the dining hall. A small bead of sweat began to fall on my forehead. Every step I took made me more anxious as I was going to be in the presence of royalty and him.

Lost in my thoughts, I almost ran into Olivia's back when she stopped.  "We're here."  She gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't be nervous, Claire. It's just dinner."

Yeah, dinner with vampires. I wonder what they're serving.

I nodded my head at her, and she pushed me through the big doors. The dining room was almost as big as the ballroom I saw in my dreams. It had cathedral ceilings with a mural of dark creatures fighting with angels. The walls were painted white, making the room look open, and black curtains draped alongside the windows. Sitting at a very large table was Queen Aurora, the King from my dream, a girl with dark, brown hair, Julian, and aqua eyes. I dragged my feet across the grey and white, marble flooring to the table. An older woman in a maid's uniform pulled out a chair for me next to Julian and ushered me sit down.

"So, you're the mysterious girl Julian found in the woods," the older-looking version of aqua eyes stated.

"Er, yes. I'm Claire," I quietly replied.

Julian's lips quirked up while leaning back in his chair. The man from my dreams looked annoyed.

"Well, it's a pleasure to have you here, Claire. I'm King Gabriel," he introduced himself. "You know my wife, Queen Aurora and Julian. This is my daughter, Princess Celine, and my son, Prince Tristan."


Celine's face was emotionless as she stared at me. Tristan looked like he was purposely looking out the window to avoid my gaze. For some reason, he seemed like he hated me, and I had no idea what I did. I just met him in person, after all.

Tristan was a spitting image of his dad, just younger with both of them having shaved heads, stubble, and rich, brown skin. I couldn't help but keep looking at the beauty of them.

Something inside of me hoped that Tristan would look my way. Images of him from my visions flashed through my mind. As if he could read my mind, Julian gave me a quizzical look.

"Excuse our children. They seemed to have forgotten the manners a Prince and Princess should hold," King Gabriel stated, icily, while he shot daggers at the two of them.

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