Chapter 29

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The world came into a blur as my eyes fluttered open. After blinking a few times, everything came into focus. King Gabriel was shaking me by my shoulders. We were still on the dance floor, and there was still no sound. He was saying something to me, but the words just didn't reach my ears. To his right, Julian and Tristan stood, concerned.

How much time had passed?

When sound finally flowed through my ears, hushed whispers echoed around me.

"Claire! Are you alright? Answer me," the King demanded as he continued to shake my shoulders.

I finally snapped out of my daze.  "I'm—yeah, I'm alright."

"What happened?"  His eyes searched mine for answers. Julian and Tristan were now right next to us.

I thought carefully of my answer to his question.  "I don't know," I lied. "I blacked out.  I felt lightheaded and then...I don't know."

King Gabriel looked at me with questioning eyes. His brows furrowed underneath his golden crown. He must have sensed that I was lying. I'm not sure why I did, really. Something in me told me not to say anything; something didn't seem right. There was a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wasn't sure it was even real, but I had a feeling it was. If that's the case, then she was buried alive, and that thought made me feel cold.

"Are you sure?" King Gabriel pressed.

"Your Highness, with all due respect, Claire just told you she doesn't know. Something is clearly wrong." Julian stepped in to my rescue.

He knows.

"Yes, papa. If she says she doesn't know, then she doesn't know. I think we should take her to the medical wing," Tristan agreed.

"Alright. You're right. We need to make sure she is okay and find out what just happened," the King relented.

I put my hands up defensively and backed away.  There was no way I was going to the medical wing. I just had a vision, but they didn't know that.

"Wait. No, I'm fine, really. I'm probably just dehydrated," I pleaded.

King Gabriel disagreed, "Claire, we should really take you to be seen."

"Please. I'm fine. I think I just need to sit down and drink some water," I pressed, trying to get out of the situation.

Please don't make me go there.

"Uh, your Highness... How about I take Claire to sit down and get hydrated. I'll watch over her. If she still doesn't feel right, I will take her to the medical wing to be check out," Julian suggested as he glanced at me, knowing how I felt about hospitals.

The Vampire King was quiet for a moment before Tristan broke the silence.  "We do need her at the ball.  While you make your speech, she needs to be there. Isn't that the whole point of this?  They need to see her as a public figure. She needs to represent the human race. If she is taken to the medical wing, it may not look right," Tristan explained.

The King mulled it over.  "You're right, son. Okay, Julian. Watch over her. Make sure she drinks plenty of water," King Gabriel ordered, as both Tristan and Julian inched closer to me.  "Tristan, I need you to talk to Lord Valasquez about where we are at with our blood bank stock."

Tristan clenched his jaw, visibly against the idea of Julian being alone with me. I could tell he was jealous and still agitated that we never finished our conversation.

His eyes locked on mine.  "Of course, papa. I'll see to it," Tristan replied and walked away, but not before stealing once more glance at me.

King Gabriel gave me a strange look before he nodded and disappeared back into the party. Music began to play and people went back to how they were, making it seem like nothing happened. Julian lightly grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd to an empty table.  He sat next to me and scooted my chair so I was facing him.  Two pools of brown took over my line of sight, but I was distracted by the vision I had.  Something made me want to see the gravesite myself. It was calling to me.

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