Chapter 24

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I couldn't sleep after that dream.  Instead, I stared at the ceiling. As the dream replayed in my head on a loop, it became hard to distinguish fantasy from reality.  There had to be more to my visions.

Remembering what Celine said about Eretria being able to travel across planes, a thought popped into my head; the dream must have been a memory.

Has Eretria been projecting her memories to me?

But she's dead. She can't do that.

How am I seeing these memories then?

Thoughts and theories occupied my mind until I heard stirring near me.  I looked over to see Tristan sitting up, and his eyes searched the room until they met mine. A light smile tugged on his lips before he yawned. Dawn peaked through the curtains and radiated on his face with a golden glow, enhancing his harsh beauty.

I could only stare in awe.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tristan asked with a glint in his eye that reminded me of Julian.

No. Stop thinking of Julian.

"Nothing," I shook my head, breaking the trance. "You just look funny when you're tired."

"Oh, I look funny?"  Tristan laughed playfully as he got up and threw a pillow at me.

As he moved, the sun's glow settled on his chest and stomach.  His laughter contracted his hard abs, defining them even more. I had to tear my eyes away before he noticed my staring.

"You're the one that has a bird's nest on your head," he teased me while ruffling my hair.

"I do not!" I feigned shock and touched my knotted, brown hair.

"Keep lying to yourself."  Tristan gave me a goofy look, and I threw my pillow at him, but by the time it reached it's target, he was across the room.

"That's not fair!  You can't use your vampire abilities in a pillow fight!"

"So we are having a pillow fight now?" His eyebrows shot up as he grabbed another pillow off of his bed.

"Not if you won't fight fair."

"I can't help it. It's in my nature," he replied simply and gave me a wink.

Tristan was suddenly in front of me, and as I stumbled back in surprise, his strong arms held me steady.  His eyes entrapped me as he stalked closer and stopped just a couple of inches away.

"Just like being alluring, a predator..."

He slowly closed the distance between us until his hot breath fanned against my face. Goosebumps covered my pale skin, sending a shiver down my spine. His beautiful, aqua-colored eyes bore into mine with such intensity, I felt as if I would melt in his arms.

"...and undeniably sexy."

He was so close that our bodies were touching. My breathing hitched as a strange feeling sat in my stomach, but I couldn't look away. His eyes captivated me as he leaned in closer. His soft lips lightly brushed against mine, and it was as if everything around us disappeared. I've dreamed about my first kiss, and it didn't come close to how perfect this was. I found my hands gently gripping his naked chest. Tristan placed one hand on my back while the other grasped the side of my head, intertwining his fingers in my messy hair.

Just as quickly as it happened, it was over, and Tristan rested his forehead against mine. When my eyes fluttered open to meet his, the endless depths of blue started to pull me in again. I couldn't bear the feeling between us any longer; I just wanted to close the distance between us. I bit my lip at the thought.

Yes, undeniably sexy is right.

I couldn't help but think about how soft his lips were. My eyes bounced between his eyes and back to his mouth. Like a magnet, we were drawn together, but before our lips touched, the door opened, and a familiar voice echoed through the room.

"Tristan, you're late to the meeting with Lord Gandalf. Now I see why."

I quickly pulled away from Tristan to see distant, brown eyes. Tristan's hand lingered on my back, and Julian instantly noticed; his eyes stayed there for awhile before flicking up to meet Tristan's stormy ones. I side-stepped away from Tristan to avoid the awkwardness, but it was too late.

"Sorry, I didn't realize the time. Let me just get dressed and we will be going," Tristan replied back nonchalantly like he was oblivious to what was going on or didn't care.

Julian's face looked unfazed and showed no emotion. If he was angry about what he saw, he didn't show it. Tristan gave me a smile before walking over to his closet and then to the bathroom, leaving me alone with Julian. I felt like I was going to be crushed by the tension in the room, and I didn't know what to say. I reluctantly looked up to catch him watching me. Julian didn't look upset, but he didn't look like his normal self either. I didn't like it.


Don't try to explain yourself, princess. Julian replied in my head with an uneven tone. I'm not a Prince.

It's not like that at all...

Stop. He responded. It's not like there is anything between us, right?

Before I could respond, Tristan patted Julian on the shoulder and they walked out of the room, leaving me with my thoughts.

Shortly after, Celine walked in. I was both relieved that Olivia wasn't here to criticize me and ashamed at what just happened.  Everything was so confusing. I just had my first kiss that was magical and more than anything I've ever dreamed of, but I felt guilty because of Julian walking in on us. I also felt hurt at his words. I wasn't sure there was something between us.

Was there?

It's not like I went out of my way to flirt with him. I also don't remember his flirty-self trying to be anything more than friends. Julian just has that personality, and he never openly told me his feelings.

What if he has liked me this whole time?

My mind kept going back to the kiss with Tristan. It was so sweet...and perfect. He was right. He was alluring, and I couldn't help but want to kiss him again.

As soon as that thought popped in my head, another pang of guilt hit me because of Julian.  I did have my first kiss...with a Prince.

I'm not a prince.

Julian's words echoed in my head. Does Julian think I kissed Tristan because he is royalty? I didn't know I was going to get my first kiss. I didn't ask for it. I didn't do it because he is a Prince. I'm not sure if I even have real feelings for him. It could be the blood bond messing with my head. Even if I did, I don't know what I want, and that is the very thing that can destroy them.

Who is going to be defeated and broken down, Claire?

I think Julian is.

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