Chapter 9

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I ran through trees as the moonlight illuminated my skin. I could tell someone was right behind me by the twigs snapping and the sound of leaves rustling. My feet carried me to a pond where I finally stopped to look at my reflection. The person staring back at me wasn't me though. The girl had long, black hair and big, blue eyes that were full of life. Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind, and I let out a scream, but the scream wasn't from fear. I'm whipped around to see Tristan with his aqua eyes looking into mine with love. He pulled me closer as I giggled, and he smiled as he tucked my hair behind my ears.

My eyes twinkled mischievously.  "Catch me if you can."

I playfully ran from Tristan, laughing as my body moved speedily through the trees. I could see the tree line ahead of me near the castle. Before I could reach it, pain exploded in my back and chest, and blood poured out of me, soaking my dress. I heard a scream from behind me, but I couldn't move to see who it was. 

My body then fell limp to the ground and my heart beat slower. I admired the stars above until Tristan appeared next to me. I could see he was crying and yelling, but everything seemed muted. He cradled my head as he put his other hand on my chest. My hand reached up to his face and cupped his cheek. Tristan leaned into it and became more frantic as my hand fell from his face, and my eyes fluttered closed.

I sat up abruptly in the bed as I gasped for air. Tears streamed down my cheeks, blurring my vision. I grabbed at my chest in pain only to realize that it was warm and wet. The smell of copper filled the air, and as I was about to scream, the light turned on. Just as fast as I was picked up, strong arms put me down on the couch.

Tristan's eyes were level with mine, and they flickered between their normal blue and black. He pulled down my shirt just enough to look at the source of my pain.  In the same place my stiches were from the mental institution was a deep hole. 

"We have to get you to the infirmary," he stated, quickly, as he began to pick me up.

"No! Please! Don't take me there," I begged. 

Painful memories of the hospital flashed in my head. If I didn't have PTSD before, I sure did now.

"You have a hole in your chest. I'm taking you," Tristan barked as he gripped my arms tighter. He must have thought there was something wrong with my head.

I began to squirm. "I don't want to go there!  Just let me stay here."

My breathing became eratic as my body began to visibly shake in fear. Warmth spread down my cheeks from my tears. I stared into Tristan's black eyes, silently begging him to not take me out of my room. Tristan held my gaze as if he was challenging me to change my mind. His forehead creased like he was contemplating something. He finally gave in after a few moments and sighed as he put my small frame back on the couch.

"Fine. You can't just stay in here like that, though. You'll bleed out," he explained, putting pressure on the wound.

It was stupid, I know. I didn't have a death wish. I just was so terrified of a hospital setting.

I looked away from him and didn't respond. I heard him curse under his breath and sigh before he crouched down to my level again. He bit into his wrist and held it up to me. My eyes widened at the gesture.

"Drink," Tristan ordered.

I looked back and forth between his face and bloody wrist. "No—I don't—"

I couldn't believe what he wanted me to do. I was nauseous just looking at the red liquid bubbling on his skin.

"Its either this or I'm taking you to the infirmary." His authoritative tone made me shrink back into the couch.

I didn't want to do either, but blood seemed more appealing than a needle at the moment.

Hesitantly, I reached towards his bloody wrist and brought it to my lips. A warm taste of copper filled my mouth, and I tried to not gag. After a few seconds, I let go of his wrist and the holes from his fangs were gone. A tingling sensation took over the area of the wound.  Looking down I noticed that the hole was closing. Blood stopped flowing from my chest, and you wouldn't have known there was an injury if it wasn't for the blood staining my skin and clothes. I looked back up at Tristan, bewildered.

"Vampire blood can heal humans," he revealed like he knew I was going to ask.

I grazed my fingers along my chest. I was completely healed. "Why were you going to take me to the infirmary then?" He could've just done that to begin with.

He actually looked surprised at my question and mumbled after a few moments, "It can have some side effects."

Tristan turned around and began to leave. My eyes wandered to his back. I realized that he was shirtless and had grey sweatpants on.  Muscles popped out along his smooth back with every movement he made. He was perfection.

Once it registered that I was checking him out, my cheeks turned red, and I forced myself to look at the ceiling. "Like what?"

He glanced back at me before continuing to walk away. It was clear he wasn't going to answer my question. The fact that there were side effects was a little concerning, but not as concerning as me willingly swallowing another person's blood.

"How'd you know I was hurt?" I changed the subject.

He stopped and sighed. "Don't worry about it."

"You were here so fast," I continued to push.

When he didn't answer and continued on, I stood. "I don't know why this keeps happening to me, but you do. Don't you?" I was desperate for answers.

He continued to ignore me once again and reached for the door handle. I knew he had to know something about all of this, but was refusing to tell me. Why else would he be so cold towards me?

My voice was barely above a whisper, "Tristan."

He finally snapped, but still didn't look at me, "What?!"

"Thank you. Thanks for saving me..." I replied, hurt.

He paused. "You're welcome," he grumbled in a guarded tone before leaving me alone in my room.

I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. Everything was hitting me, and I was overwhelmed. I had just drank blood—blood. Tristan hated me. Julian almost killed me; my dream almost killed me too. I was surrounded by vampires. Everything was so new compared to the life I've had the last four years. I was never normal, but I had no experience being a normal, teenage girl outside the hospital. I didn't know how to just be me; I didn't know how to talk to people and act. I didn't know how to act around Tristan.

I screamed into a pillow on the couch before forcing myself to the bathroom. I stripped off my dirty pajamas and got into the shower to rinse off the blood. I sat there awhile, thinking of the dream I had and Tristan. I've had that nightmare multiple times before, but it was always in bits and pieces. I never got far enough to see all the details piece together. Even after the water ran cold, I couldn't bring myself to get out. I didn't want to go back to sleep and experience that nightmare again.

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