Chapter 14

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As I slammed the door behind me, I found myself on a semi-enclosed balcony with twinkling lights draped from the ceiling and vines covering the walls.  If I wasn't so heated, I would find the view breathtaking. From the balcony, I could see the garden and the forest across the clearing. This would be any teenage girl's dream—to be at a ball in a castle under twinkling lights. I let out a sigh as a single tear fell down my cheek. I didn't want to be that weak girl that cries over a boy. I angrily wiped the tear away and put my face into my hands as I leaned against the balcony.


I jumped at the sound of my name from behind me, and a hand lightly turned me around.  "Are you alright?"

Julian's brown eyes searched mine, and I could tell he was being sincere instead of his usual joking self. In my mind, I was screaming that I wasn't okay, but I couldn't form words because I knew I would lose it.  My emotions were out of control.

"I know you're not okay," Julian whispered. "I can hear your thoughts."

I sighed and looked away.  "Of course I'm not okay. Tristan told me to go home with I'm the type of girl to go home with a random guy."

Julian lifted his eyebrows.  "He told you that?"

"Yeah... He told me to leave with him." I sniffed and casted my eyes down.

He lightly grabbed my face and tilted my chin up so I would look into his eyes. "Tristan says things he doesn't mean out of anger all the time. It's one of his faults, and I'm not trying to defend him, but try not to take it to heart.  Why did he tell you to go home with Collin though?  He hates him."

"He asked me to dance after you left, so I did so that I didn't come off as rude.  Then, Tristan came up to us and wanted to dance with me. He got all tense with that guy and told me to stay away from him. I thought he was just being jealous or something, and we started to argue."

His lips formed a thin line. "You should stay away from Collin. He's not someone you want to be around," Julian agreed with Tristan. When I started to look away, he moved his head in my line of sight again.

"I kind of got that vibe from him honestly..."  I admitted.

Julian chuckled, "Then why did you argue with Tristan about it?"

"I don't know." I threw my hands up, exasperated. "He just makes me so mad. He acts like it's the end of the world that I'm here, but then tells me to watch out for someone like he suddenly cares. He brings out the worst in me, and I feel like I'm thirteen all over again."

Julian gave me a meaningful look and replied, "Give him a chance. He's a great guy if you get to know him."

"I doubt he would let me get to know him. He hates me," I complained like child.

"He doesn't hate you." Julian leaned on the balcony.  "You just have to knock down the walls he puts up."

"Well, then I'm going to need a wrecking ball."

Julian laughed at my comment, and when I glanced his way, I couldn't help but join in. We were quiet for a few moments as we both looked out over the balcony.

"You actually called me by my name," I pointed out.


"Earlier when you came in here, you called me by my name and not princess," I elaborated.

His lop-sided smile formed crinkles at the corner of his eye as he paused momentarily. "Don't get used to it, princess."

A giggle escaped me. "I just wanted to sa-"

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