Chapter 25

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"What?" A feminine voice cut through my thoughts.

I looked up to see Celine's dark eyes looking back at me, expectantly.

Did she say something?

"I said, I'm going to call you Eclair from now on," she giggled.

"Why?" My eyes went wide at that crazy nickname.

"Because your blood smells so delicious and your name is Claire." She gave me a huge grin before going into a fit of laughter.

The color drained from my face. If I was pale before, I must have looked like—well, a vampire.

Great, Celine wants to eat me.

"Oh, Claire." She touched my shoulder and realization met her dark eyes. "I didn't mean to frighten you. I was joking. I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm not used to being around a human."

Relief washed over me, but I was still apprehensive. Maybe it was because I was just attacked the night before.

"It's okay," I replied.

I couldn't tell if I hurt her feelings or what she was thinking.

I bet it's nice being Julian.

"You know, I think Eclair is growing on me," I continued.

Celine's eyes brightened before her arms entrapped me. Her hug was crushing my small frame. She didn't look like she could hurt a fly, but she was extremely strong. When she finally let go, I went into a coughing fit.

"Yay!  I'm glad you like it!"

"One condition though," I said after recovering from her choke hold.

Celine looked at me and nodded.

"Don't tell Julian about calling me that."

She burst into another fit of laughter, and this time I actually joined her.

For hours we sat and talked about random things, mostly about the human world since she has never ventured out into it. The subject that most fascinated her was prom. When I told her about prom queen, she almost had a meltdown. Thinking about it, I could picture Celine as the ultimate prom queen, not that I would really know since I never went to high school, but I used to watch movies with that concept.

"What theme would you wish your prom to be?" Celine asked excitedly.

I paused and thought about it. When I was in the hospital, I imagined the perfect prom, going to football games, my wedding, and other things that normal girls dream about. I've had gone over those things a million times.

"Mmmm...masquerade. Definitely."

Celine squealed and sat forward on her elbows.  "Ooooh! That would be amazing. I've never been to a masquerade-themed party. Why that one?"

"I've always thought they were cool," I shrugged. "The mystery to them...It's so...alluring and romantic, I guess?"

"I get what you mean. There's something about a guy in a mask..." Celine paused and bit her lip. "It's hot."

I snorted and shook my head.


"You are boy-crazy," I smiled. "Your poor, future husband."

Celine's lips twitched to the side, and her face suddenly turned more serious. "Yeah, poor him," she replied, sullenly.

"Did I say something?" I asked, taken aback by the shift in the room.

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