Chapter 31

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Julian knocked Collin back into the wall; the stone cracked around the vampire on impact. He jumped on top of him and continuously punched Collin in the head, causing blood to cover both Collin's face and Julian's knuckles. I stood behind them, frozen. Fear was overtaking my body; I didn't know what I'd do if lost him.

When Julian finally stopped, Collin gave him a bloody smile.  "That's all you got?" He asked as he spat blood at Julian and shoved him backwards.

Julian grabbed a picture off of the wall and threw it at Collin, but he moved just in time.  "Sorry, lad. I thought we were just getting started," Julian taunted him.

"I think you've underestimated me, Julian. That really hurts my ego, you know?" Collin calmly stepped towards Julian. "My turn."

Julian suddenly fell to his knees and screamed in agony. His hands gripped at the marble flooring and shook his head as if it would make the pain he was feeling go away. Collin stood above him with a cynical smile plastered on his face. He didn't even have to touch Julian to inflict pain in this fight.

Julian's screams made my heart hurt for him. I had to do something other than stand around while Julian suffered. I frantically surveyed the area and found another picture hanging on the wall. I quickly grabbed it and ran up to Collin as he was focusing on Julian, smashing the artwork against him. It clashed against his hard body and then scattered on the floor.

His black eyes shot daggers as he slowly stepped towards me.  Julian finally stopped screaming with Collin's focus elsewhere.   Hearing his ragged breaths, I looked over at him to make sure he was alright. With my focus on Julian, my throat was suddenly restricted by Collin's grip, and I struggled to breathe. As he slowly lifted me off of the ground, my vision began to falter.

"What a pathetic human you are. You think you're brave for trying to save him? All you did was allow me to get to you, and your death will only be the first. Your boyfriend is going to die a slow, agonizing death after he watches the light drain from your eyes," Collin hissed as his grip on my neck tightened.

As my senses were dimming, I realized I was going to die. I couldn't save Julian. I couldn't even save my family.  Collin was right. I was pathetic thinking that I could take on a vampire by myself.

At least I tried...

As black spots clouded my vision, the grip around my throat loosened, and I was dropped to the floor. Collin shrieked as he frantically clawed at his back. Julian staked him with a piece of the picture frame that was scattered on the ground. Within seconds, Collin stopped moving and collapsed onto the ground, dead. 

Julian helped me off of the ground as I continued to gasp for air. I reached up to my throat to find it was bruised to the touch.

He lightly caressed my cheek and looked into my eyes.  "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I assured him with a raspy voice.

His forehead creased.  "Let's get out of here before we get anymore unwanted guests."

We were greeted with the light of a full moon as we made our way out of the castle and into the garden. Julian insisted on going into the woods and said that he had a safe, hiding place there. I silently prayed that everyone was okay back in the ballroom as he took my hand and ran with me.

"Thank you for saving me," Julian breathed as the grass crunched beneath his feet.

"Thank you for not eating me," I retorted, thinking back to when Julian stalked me in the woods like I was prey.

Julian laughed at that.  "I guess we are even then."

There was silence for a moment before Julian spoke again. This time, he stopped running. We stood across from each other with our hands still intertwined.

My thick brows furrowed in confusion.  "Julian, what are we doing? I thought we had to get away from here," I questioned him.

He reached up and put some of my now messy hair behind my ear, lightly running his fingers along my skin.

"We do, but I need to do something first—something I should have done already. I just have to do it once, okay?" He whispered as his eyes searched mine.

Before I could say anything, Julian's lips crashed against mine. Electricity grew between us as the kiss deepened. This was different than my first. It felt completely right. It felt real. It felt magical.

His fingers passionately grasped my hair while my hands made their way to either side of his neck. Pure bliss radiated from my lips to the rest of my body. It felt as if a thousand butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

I never wanted it to end.

All too quickly, he pulled away, leaving me breathless and wide-eyed. I never knew a kiss could feel like that. An emotion I couldn't read flashed across his face before he grabbed my hand and took off running again, giving me no chance to respond or comprehend what just happened.

I couldn't even think with the tingling sensation still lingering on my lips. My mind still hadn't caught up with what we shared.

As we got closer to the tree line, my eyes absently wandered to the side, where they saw a familiar set of trees. I was in such a daze from that kiss that I almost forgot where I had seen them before.

It was where Eretria was buried in my dream.

I suddenly stopped and pointed at the trees.  "We have to go there."

"No, we need to get you away from here," Julian argued.

"Julian, you don't understand. I think that vision of Eretria was real. I think she was buried there. I have this feeling that I can't shake... I just know it," I pleaded, gripping his hand.

Julian sighed in frustration.  "Claire, I saw them..."

"I know you saw them bury her in the royal cemetery, but what if that coffin is empty? What if you just saw them bury an empty coffin?  I need to go there, Julian... I'm—I'm sorry." 

I didn't give him a chance to speak.  I took off running in the direction of the supposed gravesite, not sure what I would discover. I heard Julian mutter something about me being stubborn before his footsteps pounded against the ground behind mine.

The site that I saw in my vision was now covered in grass and weeds. I immediately dropped to the ground and began to dig.  Something was drawing me to this spot, and I had to figure out what it was.

Julian began to help as dirt flung to the side of us. My beautiful ball gown was now both full of blood and dirt. Olivia was going to kill me for sure if we made it out of here alive, but I pushed that thought to the back of my head. Nothing mattered right now besides finding out if there was anything beneath us.

The tips of my fingers began to feel tingly and sore as I frantically dug deeper. It felt as if hours had passed, but I knew it was only minutes.

We dug deeper and deeper until my fingers finally touched something hard. I looked up at Julian with both surprise and fear. There was something buried there. I began to dig faster and dust the dirt away from the object, revealing something white.

Julian's eyes widened in shock.  "Watch out," he ordered as he used his strength and fast vampire ability to move the rest of the dirt off of the object, revealing the coffin I saw in my vision.

"Julian, that's it! It's here!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

I could tell he was just as stunned and confused as me by the the way he stared at the coffin. I stepped to the side while Julian tried to pry open the lid. When it finally opened, it revealed the girl from my visions. Eretria looked as if she was sleeping and was almost as white as the coffin she was in.

Julian and I shared a horrified glance before we bent down over the grave.

"Eretria," I whispered, awestruck and reached towards her.

Her eyes suddenly opened, captivating us with bright, blue orbs.

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