Chapter 27

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The entire ballroom was dimly lit with thousands of sparkling lights draped from the tall ceiling.  The twinkling lights made it seem like we were outside. The view was breathtaking.  The round tables on one side of the ballroom were covered in black, silk table cloths with a crystal centerpiece that held black roses and dark blue and silver feathers. The decorations, along with what everyone was wearing matched the theme perfectly. Celine knew how to throw a party.

It was amazing to see everyone in their dresses and suits with their masks. I couldn't recognize anyone unless I looked at their eyes. The ballroom looked like an angry sea with all the different, dark-colored outfits the guests were wearing. My nervousness grew with all their eyes on us. As we made our way to the bottom of the stairs, soft piano filled the my ears, and I realized I had to dance in front of everyone again.

Julian took my hand and led me to the dance floor.  As we got to the middle, he twirled me around in a circle, making my dress fan out, and then pulled me close to him.  Our chests pressed together, and our eyes immediately collided.

Love of mine,

Will you follow me?

In sync, our bodies swayed with the music. My brown curls lightly swept across my back.

The darkness is not far behind,

Soon you will see,

Every time his eyes caught mine, heat rose to my cheeks. And, every time I was spun away from him, my body wanted nothing more but to fill the space between us.

All that matters,

Is that we are together,

Julian twirled me again and dipped me down; his cool lips lightly brushed against my neck.

Don't look back, love,

As we go into the Nether,

Every touch sent a spark through me as if we were in a raging storm.  As he pulled my body back up, my eyes never left his. It was as if we were the only two people in the world.

If fate is on our side,

You'll always be mine,

Dancing with Julian this time wad different than the first ball. The way he was looking at me and how he was dancing seemed more intimate and real. As thoughts raced through my mind, the side of Julian's lip tugged upwards.

Because you were meant for me,

From the dawn of time,

The sound of the piano led our bodies around the dance floor, leaving awes in our wake. My heart fluttered in my chest every time his brown eyes bore into mine. Something about this cocky, sarcastic, snarky vampire made all the pain and hardships I have endured the last six years disappear. Even that irritating smirk he wears all the time draws me to him.

So will you take my hand,

And finally understand,

That I'll follow you into the dark.

Julian picked me up into the air by my hips in one last spin. As the piano faded out, he slowly lowered me to the ground, never breaking our gaze. My head was fuzzy, and I felt weightless even though my feet were planted on the ground. My hands were set lightly on his chest, and I let out the breath I was holding through my parted lips. We were only a couple inches apart. If I were to move just a little bit, we would share a kiss. Something inside me screamed to go for it, but the other part told me I was forgetting something—or someone. My body unconsciously started to move closer until an applause broke through our little bubble. Julian stepped back and bowed, causing me to tune everything back in again. I followed him with a curtsy, and his voice finally buzzed in my head.

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