Chapter 19

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My mind was trying to process the scene that was unfolding in front of me. I couldn't keep up with the shadows darting across the castle grounds. Every time they collided, a sound like thunder cracked the atmosphere.

"Julian!" I screamed and ran closer to the fight. I knew there wasn't much I could do being human, but I couldn't let him get hurt.

Julian had a vampire with white-blonde hair and dark clothing by the neck, and I could hear the cracking sound again as the vampire started the gasp for air. The sight caused me to freeze. Julian's black eyes darted to me before he reached his hand out and dug it into the vampires chest, ripping his heart out. A loud thud reached my ears as Julian dropped the bloody organ on the ground. In a split second, Julian's arms encased my body, giving me warmth.

"Are you alright?" He whispered into my ear.

My body shuttered. I glanced at the the bloody mess on the ground, coming to terms with the reality of vampirism.  "I think so." I just witnessed someone get their heart ripped out of their chest, but for some reason I was detached from it.

He stepped away from me and looked me over, checking for any injuries. After tracing his hand over my slightly bruised cheek, he locked his brown eyes with mine. I looked over to the side of him at the dead vampire and realized that he was one of the vampires that sat at my table at the ball.

"Julian, I sat by that guy at the ball. What was he doing?"

His jaw clenched.  "He was trying to kill you."


"I'm not sure, but we need to alert everyone of what happened," he replied, on edge as we started to walk back to the castle.

"I guess it wasn't you I should've been worried about killing me, huh?" I said playfully, trying to lighten up his mood.

"Ah, princess," the side of his lip twitched upwards.  "Someone just took an attempt on your life, and you want to tease me?"

I blushed.  "I told you before I can handle myself."

That wasn't half as bad as some of the stuff I was put through.

He held my gaze for moment before we went inside the castle to let the royal family know about the attack. When we entered, the butler was taken back by my face. Julian ordered him to get the King, Queen, and Tristan together in the study. Julian swept me off my feet, and used his vampire speed to get us to the room. Although I said I was fine, Julian insisted that it was necessary. Moments after we arrived, the vampire King, Queen, and Tristan joined us.

"What happened?!" Tristan demanded as he rushed to me and touched my face, causing me to wince.

Julian explained, "We were attacked by the lake."

"Why were you guys by the lake?" Tristan questioned Julian.

"Julian wanted to show me it. We were just hanging out," I interjected, not wanting to anger Tristan more.

Tristan was about to open his mouth again, but the King spoke, "Do you know who it was?  What happened?"

"He attacked Claire, but I stopped him before he could really hurt her. I handled it," Julian answered nonchalantly like he didn't just rip a man's heart out.

"He has blonde hair. He sat at my table at the ball," I tried my best to describe him.

"Blonde hair?" The Queen asked and looked to her husband.  "That could be anyone. We need to get the body to identify this person."

Tristan looked to me.  "The man sitting to your left?"

"Um...yeah. He was the one with the navy suit."

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