Entry #2: Antique Brass

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I am standing in a grassy field, the blades reaching my knees. They gently brush my legs, tickling the skin not covered by my brown skirt. I notice some wild flowers amongst the grass, a splendid array of white, orange, purple, and green. The night sky is clear, hundreds of stars twinkling in the black expanse. A crescent moon can be seen beside these stars, glowing magnificently. 

Not too far from me is a campfire burning brightly, adding even more light. Surrounding it are rocks and logs arranged in a circular fashion, serving as seating for the people enjoying the pyre. Their shadows dance beside me, laughing and gesturing as their owners do. I notice several tents scattered throughout the plain. They are not very decorative or elaborate, as they are made of simple but sturdy brown cloth. Now this pulls at the heartstrings, for I recognize this place. My old home.

I walk closer to the campfire, curious as to what is happening, although I have a hunch. This place is similar to my old home. A home from a time when I used to live among the trees of the forests and the grassy plains of the wilderness. The place where my parents lived and raised me.

As I suspected, the clan members are gathered around the fire. Some are playing instruments, others are singing, while others dance with delight. My clan mates would always gather for nights of laughter and merriment, intending to receive the best life had to offer. They would throw their cares away for the evening, proceeding with nothing but smiles and good cheer. This happened in the past, though. We rarely gather nowadays, but when we do, it is unforgettable.

I notice people who have long been deceased; people I once knew who gave up life years ago. I see them with ecstatic grins and eyes shimmering with happiness. This is the time when my parents were alive. Indeed, I see two familiar figures sitting amongst the clan members.

The woman is so beautiful, with hair so blonde it appears nearly silver, matching the marvelous stars above. Her pale blue eyes are similar to sparkling jewels, set perfectly in her heart-shaped face. The man beside her is striking, handsome. Short, well-combed hair frames his kindly face. Fantastic emerald eyes gleam in the firelight, a window that reveals his joy. My mother and father.

Mother is playing a wooden flute, the flute I now possess. It was crafted with care by my ancestors, passed down through generations. This instrument, made of polished wood, creates such a magnificent sound by my mother. The tone is clear and focused, shimmering with a distinct vibrato. Father, beside her, plays a majestic trumpet. The metal from which it is crafted is so gold, as if it has been made from the metal of the gods. It has such a powerful sound, echoing within my very being, humming with energy.

Everyone participates in this merriment. The festivities bring a smile to my face as nostalgia washes over me. I miss these days, when my elder brother and I would sneak from our beds to hear mother's flute and father's trumpet. A pang of sorrow washes over me, wishing I could still experience moments like these. 

I sit in the grass beside my parents, content in seeing them once more. Wishing they could see me, I reach out a hand and try to touch my father's arm. It goes right through. This is a vision, of course. A memory from the past that I cannot interact with, only observe. Any hope of communication is futile. I can't help but sigh, wishing that were not true. Take what you can get, Anima, I tell myself. I start singing along to the folk song being played, laughing with my former clan mates and swaying with the music's lilt.  It couldn't hurt to live in the past for a little while, could it?

I do not cease singing until I am thrust from my father's memory. I can still hear the sound of his trumpet echoing in the distance...


A/N: Theme 2 of 100: Antique Brass. The moment I saw this theme, I thought of a really old trumpet. So, I give you a memory of Anima's trumpet playing father.

Dedicated to QueenofFantasy for creating the story's banner! :D

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