Entry #24: Cotton Candy

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It is about mid-afternoon, with the hot sun beating down. I can tell it is hot out by the way the air waves and bends when I look at something far away. The main street of Dragon’s Maw is still filled with people hard at work, despite the unfavorable temperature. Some men are leading a horse-drawn cart, filled to the brim with crates. Their faces and shirts are covered in sweat. One takes out a cloth and wipes off his forehead. I feel bad for the horse. I hope they’re giving it enough water.

There are some white clouds in the sky. They’re wispy and light though, as if they are floating puffs of cotton candy being pulled apart by an invisible force. So even though some drift over the sun, it doesn’t help much.

I pity the knights on duty, wearing that leather and chainmail armor. It has got to be hot in those uniforms. I bet the metal heats up quickly. I notice one of the knights is Gabriel. His blonde hair is tied back away from his perspiring face. His eyes look a bit sunken, as if he is feeling tired and sluggish. His appearance isn’t exactly handsome as he toils in this weather.

So they slapped him with guard duty, I guess. Well, I overheard once in Tayri that knights always have guard duty at some point. So I guess he just has to make do with the situation, even if it is like the desert here.

Gabriel walks up and down the main street, his eyes scanning the vicinity for anything suspicious. All seems to be well, and he never has to confront anyone. The blacksmiths work with diligence in their forges, the merchants tend to their wares, travelers come and go, the cycle continues for a while. Guard duty sure is boring… and the heat probably doesn’t make it any better. It’s a though the heat is wearing out time itself, as everything seems to move in slow motion. This is why I never wanted to be a knight.

I yawn once as I watch him climb up the street a third time. Before I decide on forcing myself out of the memory, a little boy comes running up to Gabriel, laughing and smiling. He looks down at the little boy. He can’t be more than six years old, with his tiny frame and gentle childish face. The child is missing two teeth, big black spaces in his mouth. A mop of black hair rests on his head, and he stares up at Gabriel with such wide hazel eyes. He’s so adorable and innocent, I just want to give him a hug.

“Wow! Are you a real knight mister?” he says with excitement. He’s even jumping up and down a bit, as if someone put bugs in his trousers. I hear a woman shouting out at him, running towards the child, but he doesn’t seem to notice. He ignores her even as she steps up behind him, frowning.

“What have I told you about running off? Sorry, sir,” she says to Gabriel, her eyes very apologetic.

Gabriel simply laughs and says, “No, it’s not a problem.” He kneels down and looks at the boy. “I am a real knight. I bet you want to be one when you get older,” he says, ruffling the boy’s shaggy hair.

The child giggles with delight and replies, “Yeah! I wanna be tall and brave like you!”

“I’m sure you will, one day. Why don’t you start by being good for your mother? Good knights always behave.”

The boy nods with much enthusiasm. “Okay! I will!” His mother looks at Gabriel with a grateful smile before scooping the little boy up into her arms. He snuggles close to his mother, perhaps being calmed by her presence.

“Thank you, sir,” she says. Gabriel nods and says goodbye to the excited child. As they walk off, I hear the boy exclaim, “You see, mama!? I told you we’d see a knight here!”

Gabriel finishes his walk with laughter in his eyes and a smile on his face. I suppose that this is one of the things that makes guard duty bearable. Knowing that you are keeping all the innocents safe, and protecting the laughter and happiness within the walls of Dragon’s Maw. Maybe that’s why he became a knight. It makes me happy to know that even nobles take an interest in serving their country.


A/N: Blech...This chapter... Why can't the list give me an easy theme for once! Agh!!

Anyway, here we have theme #24, 'cotton candy'. Besides just having the actual food, I made it a bit more symbolic. When I think of cotton candy, I think of nice, happy little moments that make life worth living.

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