Entry #35: Grey

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Chaos. Pure, unbridled chaos. I feel that adequately describes what Serpent’s Hold is like upon my arrival. The world is a blur of shouting, clanging, feet pounding against the dirt, people running to and fro; it’s just too much! Several knight commanders are sprinting about the courtyard, yelling orders to any who will listen. There doesn’t appear to be many. As I look around, I see tons of wounded knights. Some are lying on the ground, broken. Others are being dragged in from the battlefield by their more able-bodied comrades. There is plenty of shed blood here and I can smell death in the air. The battle must not have gone well.

Knights carry the wounded in, who are piled with the rest in the rear corner of the courtyard. A group of healers are tending to them, but there are only three of them and many injured. I can already see the life slipping from some of them. My eyes drift nearby, where more soldiers lie. One by one, a knight drapes white sheets over their bodies, completely hiding them from view. The dead. More lives lost in pointless battle.

Over by the makeshift infirmary, more people deposit their fallen comrades to be healed. My eyes widen when I notice Séaryne among them, with Gabriel hanging from her shoulders. His face is deathly pale and blood is splattered on the front of his armor where the demon’s blade sliced through. His breaths are coming in large heaves, as if he is struggling to breathe.

Séaryne looks very distraught. Whatever composure she had before is gone, replaced with worry for Gabriel. I notice that she is also wounded, perhaps from protecting Gabriel after he fell. A deep scratch mars her left cheek, avoiding her eye by just a hair. Blood trails down her face and neck but she pays it no mind.

She gently places him down and waves down the nearest healer, demanding he look at Gabriel. I assume the healers have been ordered to care for the direst injuries first, as he agrees and hurries to kneel beside him. Gabriel looks as though he is barely clinging to life. His eyes focus in and out as his mind starts to slip under.

Together, the healer and Séaryne remove his armor and his undershirt. The healer frowns as he looks at the wide open gash in Gabriel’s chest, which is still bleeding profusely. He presses several damp rags against the wound to clean it up a bit and applies some sort of herbal balm to it. Gabriel winces as he does this, gritting his teeth. Séaryne holds him close, allowing him to rest against her.

“This is a very deep injury. It seems to have done severe damage to some of your more vital areas. You’ll be a lucky man if I can heal this.” It’s unbelievable; how just one slash of the sword could nearly send a person to their death. This just goes to show how weak we humans are compared to the brute strength of demons.

“Don’t bother…” Gabriel chokes out.

Both Séaryne and the healer’s eyes widen at this. The man retorts with, “What?” and Séaryne stammers,”Don’t say things like that, Gabe! No one here is going to let you die. “

Pitiful sounds escape Gabriel’s mouth; a combination of coughing and a gentle chuckle. Blood paints the man’s lips as the wound starts to take its toll on his body. It is a miracle he managed to survive long enough to be carried back to the fort. Séaryne must have guarded him with all her might during the remainder of the battle.

“I know…I know… I…do not…want to die…I hoped…that…this would…fly by…and soon…we’d be back home…saying our vows…we’d be…happy…”

Séaryne holds him tighter while shaking her head. “We still can, Gabe, after you’ve been healed. Don’t resign yourself to death!”

“Look at me…this is…a…mortal wound…there is no…healing this…”


The healer looks up from his work and interrupts, “I’m afraid he is right. I am unable to mend this. It punctured too deep into his vitals. I cleaned it up a bit and the herbs should ease his pain, but he is already slipping. Now, I have other patients to tend to. I am truly sorry.” He gives the couple one last sorrowful glance before standing up and moving along to the next wounded knight.

“What!? Wait!” she calls after him angrily, to no avail. They should really get more healers out here in the fortress, especially after a large scale assault. I understand her frustration; I would be furious too.


Tears start to form at the base of her blue eyes, a sign of her anger, frustration, and sorrow. I cannot imagine how awful it must be to know the one you love is dying, with mere minutes left to live. To look forward to a wedding and a life filled with joy, only to have it torn apart by the blade of a sword...Her heart must be shattered into a million pieces by now.


“I…never…thought I would die…with regret…I’m…sorry…” The light is beginning to fade from his eyes. I can tell that he is rapidly losing consciousness as his life draws to an end. The last thing he manages to say is: “I…love you…Séaryne…forgive me…”

“And I you. So don’t you dare close your eyes! Stay with me!” Her calls are in vain. Gabriel’s eyes fade to empty glass orbs that stare up at her with no life. A faint smile lies on his face, filled with sorrow and love. My heart sinks at the thought of this one life ended too early. One life lost to foolish battle. One more soldier that will not be coming home.

A single tear slides down my face as I am forced from the memory, as if someone physically shoved me out of it. The memory is over, because it’s owner…died.


A/N: I give you the end to Gabriel and Searyne's story. I know it's depressing. But, theme 35 was grey. Which made me think depressing. So, yeah.

I may make a few changes in this one later. It just doesn't satisfy me for some reason... Any suggestions?

Well, thanks for reading! :)

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