Entry #42: Midnight Blue

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This corridor would be shrouded in complete, blinding darkness if not for the faint moonlight streaming in through the large windows. Only the places where the dim light shines are visible. The rest are completely black, with nothing to be seen within. I feel uneasy from the mere appearance of this corridor, as if something could jump out at any moment and scare me out of my wits. My feet carry me at a slow pace along the narrow passage as I make sure not to get lost in the shadows.

I do not come across anybody, as everyone should be sound asleep at this hour. I remain alert, even though I am a shade in the world of memories. It would be enough to lull someone into a false sense of security, letting them think nobody would be up. I have lived in Tayri long enough to know that darkness hides the real evils and mischief makers. There could be anything wandering in this darkness.

To my surprise, I stumble upon a warm light glowing at the end of the hall; the light at the end of the tunnel. I use it as a guide, wondering what could be emitting it. As I get closer, I notice the light seems to come from the ground. It does, in fact, as the light is coming from the crack underneath a door. I reach my hand out, ready to pass through it, but before I can the light snaps off and the door flies open.

Plunged into darkness once again, it is difficult to tell who enters the room. All I see is a shadow that nearly blends in with the blackness. I hear the door quietly click shut behind the person and watch as the dark blob stalks out into the hall. When it inches closer to the streams of moonlight, I let out a relieved sigh when the white light reveals Kaiya.

She is clad in nightclothes that look rather comfortable, consisting of pair of cloth pants that cut off at her knees and a plain tunic that seems a bit too big for her skinny form. The hair atop her head is disheveled and I can manage to make out a rather sleepy expression her face. She has the appearance of someone who just rolled out of bed. But in the middle of the night? Why? The answer is clear when I see the handful of sliced peaches in her hand. She must have snuck out of bed into the palace for a midnight snack.

Her bare feet barely make any noise against the carpeted floor as she prowls the hall, pausing every few moments to hide in the shadows. Though she is half asleep, her mind must be as alert as mine; ready to hide should anyone come creeping around the corner. I doubt anyone is allowed inside the palace after hours. In order to follow, I have to stick close to her so I do not lose her in the darkness.

The corridor stretches far with no other sign of life besides Kaiya. Her movements have a sort of pattern to them. First she will duck into the shadows where the moonlight doesn’t stream and scan the area. When it is clear, she slips a peach into her mouth before quickly pacing through the patches of light. This pattern continues for a while down the hall, broken only by the light of a candle making its way towards her.

Without any hesitation she hides herself behind the thick curtains drawn back beside a window. The material hides her well and the guard who passes by doesn’t notice her. She waits until he vanishes around the corner some distance away before slipping out and continuing on her way.

The hall eventually splits off into several other hallways. This intersection is illuminated by several torch-like sconces on the wall, giving the room an orange glow. Kaiya starts towards the path on the left, but something makes her pause. Her head tilts upward and she sniffs the air; whatever she discovers makes her frown. “Blood?” she whispers to herself. That is an omen that all is not well, especially if blood is involved. I find it odd that all is still…

She quickly eats her final peach slice before following her nose down the corridor to the right. Her pace is brisk as she most likely intends to find the source. I can trot after her, as this hall is lit better. Though the lights are still a bit dim, I can see things clearly.

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