Entry #21: Chestnut

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Séaryne is strapping a heavy-looking saddle bag to a horse when I arrive. It’s a sturdy looking mare, with strong powerful shoulders and well-muscled legs. She’s a horse bred for travel. Her fur is a lovely dappled grey, with a shimmering black mane and tail. Séaryne pats the horse affectionately on the muzzle and feeds her a carrot.

The woman is dressed for travel as well, wearing durable trousers and a brown tunic. Her boots are dirty and well-worn, but ready for a trip. A traveling cloak covers her shoulders. The end of it just barely touches the dusty ground. I notice Gabriel, dressed in a similar fashion, preparing his brown horse as well. That’s right; they are to travel to Dragon’s Maw together. It is early morning, the sun having just risen above the horizon. The weather is fair; perfect for a voyage, if only a short one.

The two are standing outside the stables adjacent to the house. The exterior is made of white painted wood and has a thatched roof covered in straw. I think I spy a bird’s nest up there. I see stable hands dart to and fro within the building, busy tending to the horses. A few whinnies can be heard from within. I wonder how many horses there are?

“Séaryne! Gabriel!” I hear Marie’s high voice call. We all turn our heads to see her and Jacque exiting the grand house’s side entrance. Séaryne’s mother is dressed in her usual outlandish outfit. A wide, puffy dress made of bright green fabric.

The sight of her makes me wince. How does Jacque put up with it? He appears casual, normal. A nice suit and slightly unkempt hair. Much easier to look at.

“Your mother wishes to dote on you once more before you leave,” Jacque says while smiling at his daughter.

With a sigh, Séaryne accepts her mother’s hug, although it’s a hug that qualifies as more of a tackle. The woman nearly knocks her daughter over as she embraces her. Gabriel can’t help but laugh at the sight.

“Mother, please! You act as though I am leaving for good!” she manages to choke out, the hug almost suffocating her.

“I know, I know. But things will be so lonely without you here and six months is an awfully long time to go without seeing each other,” Marie sniffles, tears forming in the base of her eyes.

“You haven’t seen Alain or Dashiell in almost a year, so this won’t be so bad. And you have father,” Séaryne tries her best to console her mother. Those must be the names of her brothers. I assume they are also at Dragon’s Maw. It must be difficult to see one’s children off, but is there need for such drama?

“Yes, let the girl have her adventures. Though I will miss you, dear,” Jacques adds.

“I will miss you as well, father.”

“Marie, don’t you have something for her?”

Marie nods and hands her daughter a simple brown drawstring bag. Séaryne accepts it with raised eyebrows. She pulls it open just a bit and peers inside.

“…Roasted chestnuts…?” she responds, giving her mother a questioning look. I have to admit, I was expecting something…extravagant and unnecessary. Séaryne’s expression tells the same.

“For when you get hungry on the road! I made them!” Marie’s voice is full of pride. Well, it’s the thought that counts I guess…

“…You made them?” She closes the bag, looking a bit wary of them now, as if they would jump out and try to bite her.

“Don’t worry, I made sure a cook was around to supervise,” Jacque assures her with a laugh.

“Right, well…thank you, mother.” She opens up one of her saddlebags and places the bag inside. When she finishes, she says, “I think it’s time we went on our way. We have to be ready for training by noon tomorrow.”

“Yes, yes, of course. Be safe, dear! Tell your brothers I said hello! Oh, and don’t forget to write!” Marie exclaims as Séaryne and Gabriel mount their steeds. Séaryne gives her mother a look that says, “I know!” I find amusing, how much this scene reminds me of the way my mother treated me. She made sure to give me independence, unlike Marie, but sometimes she could be a bit protective.

“Look after my girl, Gabriel,” Jacque says to the young man. Gabriel nods, glancing at his fiancé. She rolls her eyes and smiles, clearly ready to be rid of this place.

“Farewell!” Marie says, while waving at a fast pace. Her daughter waves in response, and turns her eyes to the north, towards Dragon’s Maw. She squeezes her feet in the stirrups and the horse begins to walk forward. Séaryne and Gabriel sure do have an adventure before them.


A/N: Theme #21: Chestnut. I went the literal route this time, as you can tell. I had no idea what else to write...Well, 100 Themes lists are supposed to be challenges...

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