Entry #45: Rose Dust (Part 2)

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Something is brewing within the minds of Fen’s combat leaders, something that could have boiled over into my present time. Fury and anger that further darkens the black hearts of the church’s dedicates and Esterguard’s hunters that is passed down through the generations. I despise the image these people have given the human race, with their hunting of demons for mere sport under the pretense that they are protecting Fen. They hunt demons just because they exist; forgetting what planted that hatred in the first place. It is people like the ones Iza has seen in her mirror that stokes the fires of rage within me.

As much as I would love to linger and hear how Kain plans to defend Talyyn from these wretched souls, these are battle tactics of the past. This is the one thing where I need not know the means, just the outcome. Besides, if I am not directly involved in the situation it tends to be rather uninteresting. So, while Kain and Iza discuss strategies, I leave the meeting chamber in search of Kaiya.

I have some curiosities as to how well she is holding up here. From what I have witnessed, it may be better than before but not by much. She must still be experiencing the same disappointment and struggling in her new life. It can’t be easy adjusting to new surroundings.

It isn’t hard to catch up with her. I happen upon her as she paces down the wide, empty corridor. It is still hard to believe that this woman is Kaiya. I can’t get over how different she appears, having perhaps slightly conformed to the Hold’s expectations. I would be a bit disappointed if she had completely given in. By wearing her skirts at mid-length and refusing to put on shoes, it tells me that she still marches to the beat of her own drum.

Her expression is that of frustration, as though she is on the verge of cracking. Bottled up emotions have a tendency to spill out at full force, with rage and tears. Her eyes show those suppressed feelings, as someone who feels unappreciated tends to have. A frown crosses her face as she exits the palace, kicking the door hard and angrily with her foot. It slams back against the wall and echoes in the foyer. She doesn’t seem to care who takes notice of it, simply stepping outside into the night and slamming the door shut behind her.

It is pouring rain outside with thousands of fat droplets splashing furiously onto the ground. Thunder booms in the sky, followed by a crack of bright lightning. Within moments, Kaiya is drenched in water. Her long hair sticks to her face in wet, scraggly strands and seems to darken. She growls and let out an aggravated shout into the night sky, not caring who hears. The lupine trudges towards her dwelling through the heavy rain, grumbling under her breath. The rain must not be helping her mood.

When she reaches her home, she twists the knob and shoves the door open, stepping into the quiet warmth of the house. A fire is going in the small hearth, effectively keeping the room warm and dry. Fuchsia is sitting on her side of the room, sprawled out on her bed reading a novel. When her roommate enters, she lowers the book and stares at Kaiya as she comes through the door. Her blue eyes have a sympathetic look, as if she feels sorrow for the lupine.

“You don’t look so good. Things didn’t go so well, I take it? Did you not catch that guy?”

Before answering, Kaiya grabs her mop of hair and wrings it out over the doorstep outside so as to not tread water into the house. “No, I got ‘im all right. He just managed to land a few good blows before I could.”

“Then why do you look so….Oh, Kaiya, Lord Kain got mad at you again didn’t he?”

“N-no! But…he wasn’t happy that I didn’t kill the stupid snake. Why is it that I can never seem to do anything right around here?” Kaiya mutters as she shuts the door behind her, moves to her footlocker, and starts digging out dry clothes.

“You do lots of things right! I mean, how could he expect you to kill that guy, someone so much stronger than you. He should be proud that you were even able to catch him! Kai, you should stop trying. It’s not right for him to treat you that way,” Fuchsia argues.

“You don’t understand,” Kaiya responds as she shoves back the curtain on her side of the room to get changed. Her voice is soon accompanied by the rustle of cloth.


“Kain’s just stressed out from all that’s goin’ on right now. He just gets mad ‘cause he’s got a lot on his plate and it’s wearin’ him out. That’s all.”

Fuchsia’s gaze softens and she raises an eyebrow. “With the way you defend him all the time, Kaiya, I’d say you feel something for him.”

At this, the lupine slams back the curtain with much force, clad in a baggy tunic and trousers. Her amber eyes glare at her roommate, as if she could not believe what she just stated. “I do not like Kain that way, Fuchsia! Get it out of your head, silly!”

Fuchsia chuckles and falls back onto her pillow. “Alright, alright. Sorry, I was just teasing. Why do you still put up with him, then?”

Kaiya relaxes, sitting down on her own bed and pulling out a brush to comb her messy hair. She grits her teeth as she combs through a particularly tangled knot. “I just…want to be able to protect someone for once. And I can’t just ignore someone when they’re weak and they need help. Besides, I owe him for saving my life.”

After she speaks, she sets down the brush on her lap. She appears a bit pensive, as though she is lost in thought. When she next talks, there is a gentle, thoughtful look in her eyes. “…And…I guess it would be kinda nice to see him smile.”

Fuchsia’s azure eyes lock on to Kaiya, giving her a stare that almost says, “I told you so.” A laugh escapes her lips, causing the lupine’s eyes to widen as the realization hits her. A displeased frown crosses her face as she processes this.

“You…you’re right Fuchsia…Maybe I do kinda like Kain…” She lets out a dejected sigh and plops onto her bed on her stomach with a thud, burying her face into her pillow.

“Hey, you say it like it’s a bad thing Kai! It isn’t! I think it’s cute how much you care for him,” Fuchsia responds between giggles. The only thing she gets out of Kaiya in reply is a muffled groan that doesn’t sound too happy. I can’t help but agree with Fuchsia, chuckling a bit along with her. I find the whole irony of this situation amusing; both Kain and Kaiya share mutual feelings but fail to admit it. Though I cannot help the sinking feeling that this could be an ill omen; that only bad things could come of this.

When her mirth subsides, she adds, “Just…watch yourself Kai. There are already rumors floating around about you two. About how you’re his favorite and other…not so good…things…”

Kaiya props her head up, giving her an angry look. “You don’t think I know that? Why else have people been avoiding me and picking fights when I so much as look their way? Well…besides the fact that I’m a lupine.”

“I’m just warning you.”

You don’t think that of me, do you Fuchsia? Because I swear by my mom’s grave that there is nothing like that going on.”

“Of course I don’t! With how you complain, I don’t believe any of those stupid rumors. I know you’re above that, Kai. I’m just concerned.”

“Yeah. Sorry to doubt ya there,” Kaiya says, dropping her head back in her pillow.

“It’s okay.”

“I guess it’s nice to know that someone’s got my back.”

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