Entry #16: Canary

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It is peaceful here in Nocturne Hollow. I find it hard to believe that I think so, as this forest is associated with death and danger. It’s true though. The darkness, rather than causing a spine tingling atmosphere instead feels like a warm blanket wrapped around my entire being. I’m not sure what caused this change, but it could be that there are no creatures to watch from the trees.

Every single tree is growing taller and wider, the thick leaves blotting out the sun. The bushes beneath are dying or dead, their brambles lying in withered heaps from lack of sunlight. With no life sustaining vegetation on the floor, smaller herbivores have no food source, so they’re easily picked off. With lack of food, they’re all gone. So now, with nothing to stalk the trees, the darkness seems more inviting.

I notice some birds flitting around the trees, though. I hear them in the branches, chirping and fluttering their wings. Alright, so I guess not all the animals are gone. The tall trees are probably the perfect spots for nests. I see them through the rare spot where sunlight streaks through. Canaries. To me, they are birds of peace. My father once told me that when the canaries are chirping, all is right with the world.

Indeed, when I visit Kaiya’s home, both she and her mother have smiles on their faces, the perfect picture of peace and happiness. Kaiya says something and her mother erupts with laughter. As I step closer, I notice that Kaiya’s mother looks healthier than before. Her skin has more color to it, her eyes are shimmering, and she is sitting upright. Maybe laughter really is the best medicine.

“I made you something for your birthday, mom,” Kaiya announces, proudly holding out the necklace she crafted earlier.

Her mother’s face lights up even more, eyes sparkling. “Oh darling, you didn’t have to do that,” she says, accepting the gift. She pulls the necklace down over her head and onto her neck. Her fingers gently touch the brown painted beads, tracing their shapes.

“Do ya like it?”

“I love it dear, thank you,” she says with a chuckle. With a raised eyebrow, she adds, “How much trouble did you get in?”

“None actually. No one noticed me. I’m getting good at this,” she replies with a self-confident grin.

“Indeed you are," her mother replies. She sucks in a deep breath and lets out a sigh before leaning back against the wall of the cave. "It’s coming to me all at once, you know.”

“What is?”

“For over one-hundred years I’ve been raising and caring for you, Kaiya. And now, the tables are turned. I’m still getting used to you taking care of me. I’ve become an old woman.”

“Mom, listen to yourself. You make it sound like you’re some fragile old lady. You’d be out and about with me if it weren’t for that illness.”

“Maybe you’re right. I don’t what I’d do without you, Kaiya. You're such a wonderful daughter."

"I wouldn't say that..."

Her mother laughes softly and hugs her blanket close to her body. "Don't be so modest, Kaiya. You do a wonderful job protecting and providing for me.  You've grown into a fine woman, and I couldn't be happier to have you as a daughter."

"Stop getting so sentimental!" Kaiya retorts, though it is clear she is pleased with her mother's approval. "It's getting late now. We both need some sleep."

"Yes, you're right. Well then, goodnight, and thank you for the necklace.”

"Yes, 'night mom."

Kaiya tosses another log onto the fire, pausing to listen to the chirping of the canaries. “Well, at least there’s still something else here,” she whispers to herself.

This birthday celebration was only a temporary distraction from that which threatens their survival. Perhaps she feels comforted by the presence of the canaries. Maybe they even give her hope that something can live in this forest, when all seems lost. I can tell that her worries are strong, despite the joy that the birds bring. I can't help but feel pity for her, knowing how hard her life will be.

Her mouth opens into a wide yawn as she falls back onto her bedroll, visibly tired. Her hands grasp the edge of her hide blanket and draws it up to her chest as she curls up to go to sleep.

All falls still after that. Even the birds fall silent. After all, peace in this forest is fleeting.

I leave the memory, drowning in silence...


A/N: So, this theme was "canary". For a while, I was stumped on what to write for this. I eventually went the literal route and filled this chapter with nice little birdies. :D

Oh, though Kaiya's actual age is 100+ years, her physical age is more like 19-20. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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