Entry #6: Beaver

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I am standing on the outskirts of the forest, beside the river that crosses through the plant life. Most of the time, the deep waters are turbulent and rapid. For the time being, however, the waters are tranquil. A beaver has built a dam in the river, a large pile of damp wood. The furry creature is busy eating its lunch, paying no mind to anything else around it. 

In the distance, I hear several footsteps coming, faster and faster. Moments later, a band of about six humans comes jogging up the path. They are clad in leather armor and light boots. I can tell they are hunters; each person is carrying a bow and full quiver. 

One of the men whispers, "Hey, look at that one over there!" All six men stare out at the river, eying the beaver minding its own business.

"How much do you think the pelt on that one will get?" another man speaks, smiling. I hope these men aren't poachers. My kin and I hunt because we need food. We sell meat in the village as well, to help feed the townsfolk. We do not kill without reason; whenever we do, we thank the spirits for the animal's life. Some hunters, as these, care more about the money the animal will get them. They throw away the meat and waste the remains in a disrespectful fashion. These people fill me with rage. I wish I could knock some sense into them; if only I were able to.

"Hey, we're not here to hunt game, guys," a third man pipes up. So, they aren't after any animals? If they weren't hunting them, what were they hunting?

"Ha, right. Sorry," the first one replies with a shrug, turning his gaze from the innocent beaver.

"Anyone know where the stupid wench is?" Wench? They're hunting a woman? They must have a strong dislike for her, to refer to her in such way.

"That old man said she likes to hide out in the depths of the forest."

"So we should head deeper in then."


"Anyone know what she looks like?"

"You'll know her when you see her. You don't see people that look like that every day."

One of the men chuckles, checking the string on his bow. "The sooner we get this done, the better. My arrows won't miss her heart!"

A few of the other hunters laugh as they continue on their way. I suppose that beaver out on the river got lucky this time. But what they said disturbs me; who is the woman they're hunting down? A bandit? A criminal? A demon? I think of Kaiya and her mother. Oh spirits, what if they're hunting Kaiya?

I am forced from the vision before I can think about it anymore...


A/N: This chapter serves as a sort of introduction for one to come later. Theme #6 was 'beaver'. I have no clue what  that color looks like...

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