Bad Boy [No.1]

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-(Edited af) Dec. 18th 2018-
I have to ask one think of you...for now please deal with my trash writing, but it does—in my opinion anyway—improve as I gained more experience. It may not seem like much improvement to you, but to me, I can really see it as time goes by :)

The #1 Bad Bitch's P.O.V

I stared at the familiar reflection in the mirror that belonged to me, and only me, and groaned with boredom.

Me and my friend were at the mall bathroom and I was waiting for her to finish-probably-taking a shit.

Then, I got a wonderful idea that might speed up this agonizingly slow process. I take a deep breath, preparing to yell the lyrics to her absolute least favorite song. "Beep. Beep. I'm a sheep. I said beep-beep I'm a shee-"

"-NO! Not that shit again!" Carleslie yells from the bathroom. (Pronunciation: Car-lezlee. So it's Car THEN Leslie. Not Carl-eslie) A/n: it's the name of someone who's close to me irl :)

My sides are clutched from laughter as the brunette groans in annoyance from within her stall.

"Hey...You heard about Yoongi?" She suddenly asks. Her question is followed by the sound of the toilet flushing.

Huh?...Min Yoongi?....

She fiddles with the latch, walking out of the stall and washing her hands. She then takes out her mascara and starts gently applying it on herself after thoroughly drying said hands. I watched her the whole time with a raised brow.

I take a glance at her concentrated form in the mirror.

"No...What'd he do now?" My eyes did a small roll, reminding myself of the player that that boy is.

I've personally never dated him, or seen him in public actually, but rumors spread around like wildfire around here, even if you're not in the same college as the victim to those rumors.

"He's single..." She smirks at my reflection and I nearly choked on my own saliva.


Yoongi and his girlfriend Bonquisha were going out for almost a year now, but it wasn't some lovey-dovey relationship. They were always seen altercating publicly. No care whatsoever of what the nosy eyes and ears of people around would pick up.

It really is amazing how so much drama from another college finds its way to us.

"Wanna see the status he posted yesterday?" Carleslie grins and swiftly pulls out her phone from her purse. I stood by her side, curious eyes watching her tap away at the screen.

She opened up Facebook and I was met with the status immediately.

It read:
'I'm fucking done with this bitch. Never loved her anyways 😒...Hmu cuties I'm single.'

Wow. The player of the century is now officially single. And ready to mingle already.

"Damn I never thought they'd actually break up...even though they supposedly fight every 10 seconds" I speak with an undefined tone in my voice, and sling my purse straps over my shoulder, ready to leave this malodorous bathroom.

"Right." Carleslie replies, "Apparently she cheated on him with some guy. And she didn't admit it until Yoongi exposed the thot with screenshots on snap(Snapchat). Then they just started cheating on each other back and forth. Guess he got tired of it all..."

Bad Boy // A Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now