Bad Boy [No.12]

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The #1 Bad Bitch's P.O.V

"MMMMMM!!" Yet again another tear rolled down my cheek as Jimin fell to the ground, groaning and holding his head in pain with his small hand. When he removed his hand, a dark red could be seen dripping down his palm

"JMMMM" I began sobbing. Seeing poor Jimin slouched on the floor and wounded badly made my blood boil. Although he acted like a cocky jerk most of the time, I knew that that was simply a mask he'd wear to cover his pure-natured self.

Jungkook's already huge orbs, grew twice in size. The blood appeared to have a bad effect on him. He covered his mouth and tried his best not to throw up, gagging every now and then.

Not wanting him to get hurt as well, I slowly jerked my head to the side as a signal for him to leave. Luckily he seemed to understand and his face grew serious. He nodded, quietly pattering back downstairs. Not before quickly pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of the scene.

Please hurry back...

Baekhyun cackles at poor helpless Jimin on the floor, throwing the rusty crowbar on the floor next to me and walking out from behind the door.

"I knew you were just a pathetic, weak little boy!" He kicked Jimin in the side, hard. Jimin grunted and clutched his rib with one hand, while keeping pressure on his head wound that wouldn't stop bleeding, with the other. Baekhyun then proceeded to pick him up by his collar and started punching him in the face.

"JMMMMMM MMMMM!!!" My vision began clouding over by all the tears constantly welling up in my eyes. Jimin tried punching back, but was rendered helpless. The blow to the head must've been drastic because he seemed to get weaker and weaker with each punch to the face.

I couldn't help but feel like this was all my fault. If I hadn't come to this stupid party in the first place, none of this would've ever happened.

Then I heard it. More footsteps running down the long hallway. I glanced at the door, then back at Baekhyun, who seemed to be oblivious, too focused on beating up Jimin.

Soon enough two familiar figures came to the rescue at the door, one of which was Jungkook who was up against the wall and slowly sliding down while holding his shoulder. The other was-

Yoongi...A slight smile crawled up to my lips from behind the tape.

Huh. Who knew I'd be happy to see him for once.

At first he looked stiff at the sight of me tied up plus barely naked, duct tape on my mouth, and Jimin being beaten to death by Baekhyun. He was completely shocked, almost horrified. But then he appeared to come up with a clear solution. He glared hard at the man who was still oblivious of his presence, and his fists clenched hard at his sides.

He cracked his knuckles and walked up to Baekhyun, who finally noticed his presence when Yoongi pulled back his arm and hit him with a solid punch right in the eye.

Baekhyun's head shot backwards from the sheer force and Jimin fell out of his grasp, now hugging his stomach in a ball shape on the floor.

Yoongi stepped over the agonized blonde, to get better access to Baekhyun, who fell onto his back and staring to crawl backwards while clutching his now bruised eye.

Bad Boy // A Yoongi x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant