▪ Chapter Four [Beach Day] {Edited} ▪

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Hello! So as you might have noticed I changed the name for this book from "Summer Vacation" to "Friends Forever" because I ended up making the story go on for more chapters than I had originally planned. I think you guys will like it once I get there. Also, thank you for over 100 reads! Enjoy!

🍎Hawk's POV🍎

My eyes started opening as I saw a blinding light that covered the entire room. I slowly opened my eyes and fully noticed my surroundings. I tried to get up but I was held down by something-or someone. I look down and see Rose laying down on my chest, she was hugging my upper body quite tightly actually. Her hair was up in a messy bun with a few strands running down her face. She had a peace-full face expression with one of her cute smiles as she was still in dreamland.

Hold on...Am I starting at her? Is this creepy? What should I do? Do I wake her up? Do I let her sleep? What if someone walks in? Oh please no. And as bad luck heard my fear, the door immediately opened revealing Travis who just stared at me and Rose before bursting out into a laughing fit.

"Shut up! You'll wake her up!", I yelled at him and felt Rose starting to steer in her sleep.

"Wake who up?", she murmured and looked up at me. After a few seconds she relised the position we were in and immediatly blushed a dark red. She moved away from me and noticed Travis standing the door way, in a fit of panic she layed down and completely covered her body with the blanket.

"Al-Alright love birds", Travis said between trying to catch his breath, "Get up, we have to go to the beach today. We already ate breakfast so if you want some-YOU CAN'T HAVE IT SUCKERS!"

"Uhm....Rose....You gonna get out of there?", I asked after a long pause and took the covers off of her.

"Uhm, yeah. Was just about to!", she said nervously, "Gotta go get ready for today! See ya!"

She said and ran out of the bedroom. I sighted and got up, not ready for today. I opened my suitcase and picked out some casual clothes for today. I got my clothes on and packed my swimming trunks in my small bag. I walked out the room and headed towards the bathroom. While on the way Rose and I crossed paths and I could feel my face heat up. I think her cheeks were still slightly red as well.

"Ugh.....Travis, why are you so stupid? I'm so gonna get you back for this today", I whispered to myself as I walked into the bathroom and washed my teeth and face.

I came into the living room where the rest of the group were chit-chatting.

"Oh, good morning Hawk", Astoria greeted and waved slightly, "Go get your stuff we are leaving in a few minutes."

"Okay", I said and went to pick up my bag and walked back into the living room.

"Alright, everyone ready?", Ling Ling asked us and picked up her bag. We all nodded or responded with a 'yes'. "Ok. Travis can you carry this?"

She gave him a box thing? Why the hell would we need that? Oh whatever. In the corner of my eye I saw Travis smirking at me, I just glared at him and walked outside the house.

"We're going by foot since the beach is only about 5 or 6 minutes away. Lets go!", Rose exclaimed and started walking down the road as I followed her with the rest of the team behind me.

She looks so beautiful . . . Wait what? What are you saying Hawk? Calm your emotions, thats just creepy and weird! And before I even noticed time had flown by and they were calling my name since we had already arrived. They started setting up our space under a tree where there was a big shadow.

"C'mon girls lets go to the dressing room!", I heard Rose call the girls as they picked up their bags and left to get dressed. Travis and I on the other hand just had to take off our shirts since we were already wearing our swimming shorts.

"Well, well, well, what was that this morning?", Travis asked in a teasing way winking at me.

"Sh-Shut up!", I yelled back giving him a glare, "It was an accident!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever makes you sleep at night", Travis said and then opened his eyes giving me a mischievous stare, "...With Rose."

"TRAVIS!", I yelled completely ready to rip his head off. Why does he have to be so annoying.

Where are the girls? It's already been five minutes? Does it seriously take that long to put on a bikini? What does a bikini even look like? Just ask Travis...I guess.

"Travis, what does a bikini look like? And why are they taking so long?", I asked after a moment, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, you'll see", Travis chuckled leaning against the tree.

Suddenly, I heard the beautiful voice of Rose exclaim as she came closer: "We're back boys!"

I looked over as the girls came over and-OH MY GOD SHE IS SHOWING TOO MUCH SKIN!

"Hawk? Is something on my face?", Rose asked looking at me while she put her clothes in a bag.

"Nope", I replied in a bit of a panic.

I could tell she seemed confused but didn't reply.

"Can we go swim now?", Joy asked.

"Alright, but no turning into a frog Joy", Astoria replied looking at Joy in a joking way.

"Don't worry. I won't", Joy chuckled and started walking towards the water, quickly followed by Rose, Ling Ling & Astoria.

"Hawk", Travis said walking towards me with a pinkish tint on his face.

"Is that what a swimsuit is supposed to look like?", I asked him.

"Well yeah if we're looking at what Joy and Astoria wearing, Rose and Ling Ling are showing too much. Keep an eye on them, men can get creepy around here", he told me and we followed the girls.

"Oh apples what have I gotten myself into?", I said to myself and walked after Travis.


🗝Narrator's POV🗝

"Joy! Rose! Stop splashing me!", Astoria yelled at the two.

"Well what's the fun in that?", they yelled at the same time.

Travis came up to Ling Ling underwater and pulled her down to where he was. Ling Ling got scared and almost punched him before she relised who it was. They went up above the water and Travis started laughing immediately.

Rose sneaked up behind Hawk. She was bored since Astoria started chasing Joy and she was kinda left out of the game now. She pulled Hawk closer and yelled in his ear :"BOO!"

"AGH! Rose! What the hell!?", Hawk yelled almost falling into the water after being scared. Rose just laughed and started teasing him: "Scaredy cat!"

"YOU DAMN KIDS NEED TO CALM DOWN!", an old man yelled at them from a little far away.

The team looked in his direction, looked back at each other with a confused expression and then continued with their wild and childish antics, untill they got tired enough to finally relax and lay down on the beach.

👑To be continued........👑

🌸Hello again! I hope you enjoyed this Hase filled chapter of randomness. I honestly loved writting this chapter so I hope you liked it too. Please vote and share your opinions on the chapter. Have a wonderful day!🌸

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