
18K 434 15

We reached 1K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm so happy you guys don't even know!All your love and support has motivated me to write and update as soon as possible!I love you all so much and here's our shout out like always!!Keep up the hard work xoxo

P.s this chapter might suck a little but i hope you all like it :)




"Why are you bringing her back here?"I heard Hannah ask as I came too a little bit.I was feeling a little light headed and my stomach was't any better,if whoever did't put me down soon they weren't going to be too happy with what would be all over their shoes.

"No one is going to bother her here.Plus if I put her in his room then we know for sure she'll be okay till the she wakes up in the morning", a gruff voice answered a little annoyed.

"You're sure he won't get mad Ares?"

"Look Mars is out all of tonight and half the day tomorrow.By the time he comes home she'll be back at her house getting ready for her shift with you at the bar.You shouldn't have let her drink so much since she hasn't partied that hard since high school".The harsh tone in his voice made me sober up a little but as we started heading upstairs my stomach began tumbling and that thought was lost in the back of my mind.

"Let me just lay her right here and we can both go get some sleep since you woke me up this late".

"Alright lets go",Hannah said as she kissed me on my forehead and covered me up in the bed Ares laid me down in. heard the door close softly and listened to the quiet hum of a tv a few doors down as I drifted off for the last time.

"Well if this isn't a sight to come home to see.I haven't seen a girl in my bed in who knows how long".A deep and gritty voice slithered its way through my hazy sleeping state.Through my eyelids I could see light streaming through the room and knew that as soon as my eye's opened a splitting headache was waiting.

I rolled over a little and stretched out my arms trying to wake up a little more.Ever so slowly I opened my eye's and came face to chest with an angel.The light seemed to glow around his muscular body and his shirt hugged him in all the right places.I pulled my eye's up in body admiring every inch until I met his face.His chiseled jaw ,five o'clock shadow,and piercing eye's contradicted the heavenly aura surrounding him.

"Beautiful",I whispered out loud,not realizing I said it out loud.

"Well you better flatter me since you're laying in my bed",Came a reply startling me.It was then I realized the position I was in.Here I was laying in a bed that wasn't mine and the man standing in front of me was none other than Mars,President of my brothers mc.

"Uhm I can explain.Really I can,"I said trying to justify myself after he raised his brow.

"Well I'm waiting".

"You see Hannah and I went to party last night after a few things happened at the bar and I guess I got a little too drunk.Coming back was a little hazy but I'm pretty sure Ares put me in here".My confession was a mess, m words were all strung out and I was trying to catch my breath by the end of the sentence.His silence was only scaring me even more and I was just waiting for him to explode for me being in his bed.

"Well I-".

"You know what I'm just going to leave real quick and be out of your hair."I jumped up and stumble out of the covers.My shoes were a quick slip on and I slipped my phone in my handbags before pushing past the brute of a man and sprinted out of the room.I felt my face heat up at he watched me make a fool of myself until I made it to the hallway where I met Ares eye's.They were wide and alarmed at my sudden state.

"Thanks for taking care of me last night",I huffed out and jogged off towards the stairs to go home.If anyone can handle Mars' wrath it would definitely be Ares and I was sure he was going to get it since I left him outside the open door.

I just had to lay low for awhile and try not to be seem anywhere near the clubhouse and hope that Mars would forget about the whole incident in the first place.

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