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In the midst of handling his clothes I managed to give Mars and eye-roll and a glare all within a few seconds. His laugh boomed through the room as he reached forward towards his clothes. Either he moved to fast or jerked his injury in just the right way which caused him to halt his movement all together.With a sheepish smile taking over the once cocky one, Mars held his hands out for the clothes.

"Whats the matter? Can't you come over here and get them", I challenged hoping he would cave and finally admit that he was hurt.

His shoulders tensed at the question. " I'm just a little sore from dragging your brother in earlier. I'd appreciate it if you could just hand them to me. I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my back".

"Pulled a muscle my ass", I hissed under my breath. Giving in to his demand I walked a few steps and handed him the clothes before heading back towards the dresser and grabbing some of my own.

I gave Mars some privacy as I decided to get changed in the bathroom. Unknown to him I left the door cracked a little in order to see if I could make out any clues as to why he was limping. It took me no less than two minutes to change before I found myself peaking through the crack. I came face to face with Mars back.

Although he wasn't absolutely ripped, his lean figure accented the muscles in his back and hinted at a slim front from behind. Mars was quick to pull a shirt over his head before reach towards the button on his pants. In one swift jerk he was left in his boxers and blessing me with a firm butt. My mouth hung open at the sight of him. The upper thighs on this man was enough to have me drop my underwear right then and there.

Mars turned slightly, giving me a before view to admire when I saw it. A deep gash in the middle of his thigh. It had to have been a good three or four inches long and more than likely it went in a good amount too. " I knew you were hurt you idiot", I hissed as I pushed the door the rest of the way open.

He jumped in surprise at the sound of my voice, jerking his leg in the process. Blood oozed out of the wound and trail down his leg onto the carpet. " What the fuck Marlow!"

" Well if you wouldn't have been such a jack-ass and just told me you were hurt, then I wouldn't have had to catch you by surprise". I felt bad for scaring him but it serves him right for trying to hide something like that from me when we shared a room.

" How the hell did you even know I was hurt", He asked a bit shocked I had caught him.

" You were limping the whole time up the stairs. Why didn't you have the doctor check you out once he finished with Nick?"

A sigh escaped his lips before he answered. " Your brother was shot,okay. I've patched up plenty of knife wounds by myself and the doctor had more to worry about. So just drop it okay?"

" I'm not just gonna drop it. Now quit trying to pull on those sweatpants and let me help you". I jerked his hands away from pulling up the pant leg of his pants and pushed him to sit on the bed. 

Mars tried jerking away from me but ended up knocking me flat on the ground instead." Why are you anal about wanting to help me anyways?"

" Dude you saved my life about a week ago. This is the least I could do seeing as you risked your life for mine". I offered him a small smile to see if it would loosen him up a little. " Now stop complaining and let me patch your leg up. I am a nurse after all".

Mars made no more objections after that, letting me bandage up his leg to the best of my ability. The trickiest part was trying to get the wound to stay as closed as possible as I wrapped it up to give it the best chance of leaving a minimal scar. After I finished Mars pushed himself up against the headboard and patted the spot next to him.

" The least I can offer you for patching me up is by having a Criminal Minds marathon", He said while giving me a genuine smile. I nodded at his offer and settled in beside him.

Two hours later I found myself half asleep as I tried to keep my eye's open for the episode. Colby had quietly came in about thirty minutes ago and fell asleep not long after that.

" Mars are you still awake?" I whispered. Somehow not long into our marathon I had snuggled my way onto his chest. The warmth and comfort had made it impossible to will myself away from his broad chest. He hummed slightly in response to my voice.

"Yeah what did you need?"

"Can I ask you something."

"Yeah what is it", He said, turning my attention away from Penelope and Morgans scene and towards me.

"Will you promise me to tell me whenever you get hurt? It would mean a lot to me."

" I can promise that as long as you can promise me something in return", He suggested. " Promise me that you'll give me a chance".

" Give you a chance at wha-".

" At wining your heart", Mars said interrupting me.

I froze at what he said, surprise and fear bubbling deep inside as I pondered over the idea. When my mind finally settled on an answer I felt nothing other than happiness.

"I promise".

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