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"You ask him!"

"No you ask him!"

" I'm not the one who wanted to go to the zoo Colby. He's literally sitting right over there."

" Fine but you owe me an ice-cream after we go to the zoo!"

I shook my head at his silly behavior as I watched him slowly walk towards Mars.For the past ten minutes I had been arguing with him about who would ask Mars to go to the zoo, and I had finally won. Colby carefully poked Mars in his side to gain his attention and asked him the dreadful question.

Mars' gaze jerked towards mine with curiosity a few seconds later. He nodded in my direction as Colby came bouncing over to me. I had never seen such a smile grace his face and I could only hope it grew bigger once we got there.

"Come on Marlow! He said yes so we have to go get ready," Colby latched onto my wrist and dragged me halfway down the hallways before I could pull away. We were ready in a matter of minutes as we waited on Mars to finish his club business. Once Mars followed suit we all strapped into the car and we set off towards the zoo.

"So what made Colby spontaneously decide to visit the zoo today?" Mars asked as we followed closely behind the little boy. He jumped back and forth on his heels as his eye's took in every animal that he saw.

I laughed as Colby glued his face to one of the glass windows in awe." Well after he woke me up super early this morning, we stopped by the bookstore to get a few animal books. Colby told me he really wanted to visit a zoo since he learned to read about the animals in them."

"I'm surprised he was taught to read. With the conditions he was living in I couldn't see how anyone would have the time."

I nodded in affirmation," Hopefully today gives him a little bit of his childhood back!"

Mars smirked as he whispered his next words in my ear." I'd say you need a little bit of your childhood back in you too. Catch me if you can!"

Mars took off down the pavement, passing Colby who looked back at me curiously. I scoffed at his childishness but soon followed suit. As I passed Colby I wrapped my hand in his, tugging him along with me, as we trailed after the giant idiot in front of us.

" If one of you beat me I'll buy you whatever you want in the gift shop," Mars hollered over his shoulder as he rounded another corner.

I smirked down at Colby as a look of determination crossed both of our faces. " On a count of three I say we out run him."

" Deal!"

" One. Two. Three!"

Colby and I raced in-between a few people to try and get closer to Mars. He slowed down up ahead as a big crowd of people stopped his bulky body from gliding through, giving Colby and I the opportunity to win our little race.

Sorry this sucked but someone commented on my first MC book and pretty much said it sucked because of how the main guy treats the main girl. I don't condone abusive relationships but I wrote the story to show people that sometimes you never truly escape a situation. 

It just kind of dampened my mood so sorry if this chapter isn't what you expected....

Marlows' Promise (MC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora