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"I'm surprised my mom took Colby as easily as she did." I said as Mars backed out of my mothers drive-way.

"Well I kind of told her that I was taking you to go do something tonight and she agreed as soon as I told her."

I narrowed my eye's at Mars as he continued to drive." You still haven't mentioned anything to me about what we're doing? Am I dressed okay?"

"You look amazing Marlow. I just want you to sit back and relax until we get their okay?"

With a sigh I nodded and started to relax into the leather of the seat. Mars had sure picked a perfect night for whatever it was that he planned. Even though it was starting to get a little chillier, the air that danced across my face settled my nerves completely.

Twenty minutes later Mars pulled into one of the parking spots that was situated in-front of our towns local park. During the day it seemed to come alive as children and their families swarmed the grounds to have a relaxing day out. Once winter was over I would definitely set a day aside to take Colby here so he could make a few more friends.

Mars hopped out of the truck rather quickly and seemed to appear on my side faster than I had time to process. Of course like the gentlemen he was, he opened my door and helped me out.

"Can you grab the blanket I put behind the seat while I grab the basket out of the back," He asked, reaching over the side and pulling out a huge woven basket.

"You planned us a picnic didn't you ?" I replied with a huge smile. I was a sucker for cute dates like this and I could only imagine what else he had planned.

"I packed a few of your favorites too. If you can catch me I might give you some," He said with a sly look in his eyes. 

Mars took off seconds later and I was fast on his heels. Of course I sucked at running so I wasn't able to catch up until he stopped. Out of breath I dropped the blanket an leaned up against a large tree to try and filter oxygen through my lungs.

" I seriously need to workout more," I huffed out.

Mars laughed as he picked up the blanket and spread it out for us." If you start exercising then that means I won't be able to get away from you if I ever do something wrong."

"You're lucky you mean a lot to me you big idiot."

Mars plopped down on the blanket and ushered me to follow suit as he started pulling out food from the basket. I was surprised when he kept pulling stuff out. Everything from fruit, to sandwiches, and even a small cake. My heart seemed to swell at the thought of him planning all of this just for us.

A few minutes later Mars started to pat his jacket pocket as if he lost something."Marlow can you check over there for the truck keys. I think I might have lost them when we ran over here."

I rolled my eye's at him for doing something so stupid. If we couldn't find the keys then how in the world would we get home tonight. After a few minutes of looking I whirled around," I don't see them any-."

Mars sat stooped on one knew with the biggest smile on his face." What are you doing Mars?"

"Marlow I was hoping you'd agree to marry me?"

Please don't hate me for ending it here lol

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