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And here's a fourth update in one night for everyone. I might update tomorrow after I have a little time between some of my classes just to keep everyone interested again.This chapter might be a little short just because I'm a little tired from writing the other three chapters all in one night.But please enjoy and tell me how you feel!

Marlow's POV

Slowly I began to feel my eye's open but due to my whole body feeling a little groggy nothing was moving relatively fast. With a groan I stretched out my arm as far as I could trying to gain some sense of myself back.After about thirty minutes I had managed to sit myself up against the headboard of the bed I was tucked in to while looking around at my surroundings as well.

Three doors seemed to be my only escape methods as of right now.One farther off to my left, which I would guess was the door to the room, and two other doors off to my right which looked to hold he bathroom and a closet.No matter how much I tried to will myself out of the bed and through one of the doors,the rest of my body wasn't cooperating.With one last huff I gave up attempting to move and just waited for my impending doom.

"I see you're finally awake",called a familiar rough voice off to my left.I whipped my head to the source and found a man starring at me through the opening of the doorway.His face held a wide smile as he closed the door and crept towards me.I tried backing up as much as I could but being so sluggish made it difficult.

"Oh no need to be afraid Marlow",He chuckled as he took a seat at the foot of the bed."We'll definitely be getting more comfortable with each other here soon darling".

"Who exactly are you and why am I here",I hissed. I could feel my heartbeat speed up at his words and true fear started to set in.Who the hell was this creepy dude and what did he want with me?

"Oh sweetheart you pretend like you don't remember me! I'm shocked honestly",He confessed feigning a shocked expression at my words,"But if you want to play that game with me then you can just call me Paul".

"Okay Paul? Care to explain to me why in the hell you kidnapped me and and the reason I'm here",I questioned hoping he would give me a little clue to to where I was in case I ever had to opportunity to call for help.

"You're right where you belong Marlow. Don't worry though,everything is being prepared as we speak so neither of us have to hold off for too much longer",He said as happiness seeped from him.I cringed at his words.

The whole time he had been talking to me I had began to get a little feeling back in my legs.With little movement I managed to get one leg out from under the covers and on the floor.If I distracted him long enough then i could make a break for the open door.

"And what exactly are you planning for the both of us?" I tensed up the rest of my body ready to make a break for it.

"Our wedding of course",He said as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

I made a break for the door at his words desperately hoping to get away from this lunatic.I rounded the bed post past his crouched form and managed to keep my body far enough so he couldn't grab me. I gripped onto the handle of the door getting ready to jerk it open only to feel arms wrap around my torso.

"Let me go",I screeched flailing and fighting against his body pressed against mine. I heard him chuckle lowly in my ear before pushing a piece of wet cloth over my nose and mouth.I felt myself slowly slip into the same groggy feeling as before begin to take over.

"Sleep tight my darling. You won't be able to escape me again."

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