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I want to give a big shout-out to izxati for putting me in a best mc book on their page for this book along with Saint's Promise. It's seriously an honor and my first ever mention in a book like that :)

I caught my mothers curious glance out of the corner of my eye the second we walked inside. Colby was still huddled up against Mars' chest and relaxed at the mans touch. Both of my parents made quick work in making a plate for the boy once Mars managed to detach Colby from himself.

" Here sweetheart eat as much as you want. We have plenty of extras if you still feel hungry after that". Colby seemed to inhaled the plate as soon as my mother set it in-front of him. Her look of pity was hard to miss once she stepped back.

"So what kind of food did you cook mom," I asked breaking the silence. Hannah shoved me to the side as she bounced towards the counter to view the array of dishes displayed.

My mother laughed," Anything your heart could desire is on that counter darling. Dig right on in". 

Hannah didn't have to be told twice as she reached for a plate and piled it high with food. I glanced around the room in search of my brother, but came up short. " Nick had a few things to take care of and then he'll be here," Mars whispered into my ear. I froze at the proximity and finally took notice of the heat radiating off the man behind me.

I rushed to grab a plate and get as far away from him as I could. The seconds after I jerked away his laughter directed everyone's attention to the both of us. Heat spread across my face as I tried to make it look like I was just getting food and not dying from embarrassment. Grilled chicken, macaroni and cheese, green beans, and a chocolate chip cookie were only a few of the things I had managed to grab before my plate started getting heavy.  

There were two seats left at the dining room table, one next to my mother at the far end and the other next to Colby. Faster than I could comprehend I stole the seat next to the boy, opting out of being interrogated by my mother.

" Honey you never introduced us to the boy," My dad muttered from across the table.

" Well guys this is Colby," I said pointing to the boy on my left." I just actually found out about him today. Maybe Mars could key us all in on some major details".

My parents seemed intrigued as they turned towards Mars." I'm not sure if either of you remember the raid your son and I went on right before Marlow's kidnapping, but we discovered Colby in the midst of a group who treated him poorly. So in order to do what was best for him, I decided to bring him back to the clubhouse".

"So you mean to tell me that this poor boy had nowhere to stay?" Whenever my mother raised her voice it had always ended badly. " He can stay here if there's a problem with finding a room at the club".

" As a matter of fact a boy that young doesn't need to be around any more violence than he was already exposed too. He can stay here and that's final". My fathers voice was firm and left no room for arguing.

Unfortunately there were still a few problems with their idea. " You guys are forgetting one key aspect of this all. Neither of you are physically capable of taking care of him. Your health is declining and I won't have you stress out anymore than you have here lately".

Defeat and guilt spread across both of their faces at the news and it was at that point I realized Colby had stopped eating. His fork clattered against the plate as he jumped from the chair, racing towards the back-yard. Without hesitation I followed after him, neglecting my food altogether.

Colby sat perched under a small tree in the yard, tears streaming down his face. Cautiously I approached silently praying for him not to bolt. " Colby sweetheart, what's wrong?"

" It's nothing,"He hissed, malice laced in his words.

" If you don't tell me what's wrong then I can't help fix the problem".

A few seconds of silence lapsed between us before he answered. " None of you have asked what I wanted to do. Ever since I've been here and even before people have always made choices for me. I just want someone to listen to my side for once".

I was at a loss for words. One reason being that it was the first time Colby had strung more than a few words together when talking and the second being the ache which had begun to form in my chest. This boy was so lost after being uprooted from the horrible conditions he lived in and he was still in a sense being treated the same.

" Well can you tell me what you want to do? Who is it that you want to stay with?"

" I want to stay with you." I was pretty sure my heart had stopped at his answer. Colby's eye's held so much innocence in them and for the first time I could see a little bit of light as well. Although I haven't known the boy for more than a few hours, I couldn't picture my life without him at this point.

"Well I guess that's settled then", Mars said surprising the both of us." He can stay with the both of us in our room. If you want we can all go shopping for clothes after this?"

His words also caught me off guard. The moment I met Mars at the cookout when I first arrived back in town, I had guessed he was the mysterious and silent type who didn't want to be bothered. But the minute I was rescued and found out about Colby, I realized there was more to Mars underneath that cold shell he always wore.

" I can't wait", I smiled as he helped me up from underneath the tree. I waved at Colby to follow us in so we could finish our food before we set off on our next adventure.

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