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" Hannah look at my cool lion stuffed animal!" Colby shouted through the bar gaining a few others attention as well. 

Hannah waved him over as she shouted back," Come closer so I can see."

His little legs carried him all the way across the bar, running as fast as they could possibly go. Hannah smiled down at him in amusement as he told her everything that had happened at the zoo. His excitement seemed to catch a few others by surprise, but they all welcomed the change he showed.

" It was so funny when we beat Mars. He's so fat that he couldn't squeeze through the people like Marlow and I could!"

Mars hissed back playfully," Well I can't help how many muscles I have. And I'm not fat!"

"Marlow knows how fat he is. Usually when I wake up he's laying on top of her, crushing her."

Everyone within ear shot seemed to find that funny while I died a little inside with embarrassment. I caught Hannah's expression out of the corner of my eye as she cocked her eyebrow in suspicion. I purposefully avoided her gaze and instead focused on Colby who was still waiting for me to agree with him.

I cupped my hand around my mouth like I was going to whisper something in his ear before responding. " Of course he is Colby. We just have to tell him he's not so his feeling don't get hurt."

Colby snickered into his hand as he eyed Mars out of the corner of his eye. Mars face looked sullen at my words, but he soon perked up at something. Slowly he reached in his pocket and pulled out a thing of candy. I vaguely remember him buying something while Colby and I picked out our stuffed animals, but I hadn't caught him in time to see what it was. It seems like someone wanted to play dirty.

" Well I guess I just won't share this delicious chocolate candy bar then," He mocked waving it in-front of our faces.

Colby glared in response." That's no fair! I want some candy."

"If you can catch me then I might give you a piece," Mars persuaded before turning and taking off through the bar with Colby on his tail.

I couldn't help but laugh as the two raced between the other members who kept shooting them annoyed looks. None of them were brave enough to say anything to Mars so they silently glared every time one of them passed.

"So," Hannah said as she nudged my side, pulling me away from the scene in-front of us." What's this I hear about Mars basically laying on top of you in the morning?"

"It's nothing really. Just an honest mistake," I replied casually as I tried shaking off the nerves that poured over me.

" I'm pretty sure I remember you blatantly dismissing the idea of even sleeping in the same room as Mars not that long ago. What changed?"

I met her curious gaze with my own blank stare for a few seconds before giving in." The other night Mars kind of confessed to me. So I decided to give him a chance."

" Who knew the most bad-ass mc leader would fall in love," She laughed out." I never pictured the day when he would be serious about someone."

"I hope he at-least tries like he says he will. I know his work comes before me and I never want to get in the way of that, but when it comes to other women it's a straight no."

Hannah nodded back at me as another member called her for a refill. I shooed her back to her job before turning in hopes of finding the boys. When I found them Mars had Colby on his lap as they both munched on the candy bar, faces smeared with chocolate. I would dread Halloween with those two if they ate all the candy like that. Hopefully a few pointers would set them on the right track.

Please tell me how you like it and thanks for the few of you who have made my day with your sweet comments on my last story. In particular I want to thank these people:



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