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A week later Hannah and I found ourselves elbow deep in Halloween costumes. We found a tent in the middle of a parking lot that had tons of them inside. Unfortunately for us, decision making wasn't either of our strong suits.

"What kind of costume do you think I should get him?" I said as I glanced over my shoulder at Hannah as she ruffled through the Halloween costumes.

" Well a lot of little boys these days like ninja's or maybe an animal since he likes them so much," She suggested with a shrug.

 I let my hands grace a few more costumes before one caught my eye. I wasn't for sure if it would be appropriate given our situation, but it would definitely be funny. I made sure they had the right size for Colby before turning and tapping Hannah on her shoulder. Her eye's widened as she took in the material in front of her.

"You are not going to dress him up like that!"

" Why wouldn't I? Not only would it be funny but I bet you the others would love it," I retorted as she shook her head at me.

I kept shaking the costume in her face until she finally rolled her eye's and gave in." I guess it would be a little funny. Who knows, maybe when he gets older they might let him join?"

" I guess we'll have to see how tonight goes then," I smiled as I shoved the thing in my basket. Hannah and I still had to look for our costumes for the club Halloween party tonight and I was still having trouble picking mine out. Hopefully with a little help from my sister-in-law I might be able to finally choose. 

Mars bombarded me as soon as we entered the club house two hours later. He reached for my bags instantly trying to peak inside, but I snatched them back just in time so he wouldn't be able to see.

His pout made my day." And why exactly can't I see what your costumes are!"

"Need I remind you that the other day you basically threw the bedroom door in my face after I almost walked in on you trying your costume on? So the answer is no you can't see them. Colby and I will get ready with Hannah tonight and you can see us then."

Mars opened his mouth to say something else but Colby cut him off. " Marlow what did you get me!?"

I smiled down at Colby before shooting a smug smirk at Mars." How about you come upstairs with me and I'll show you. It's almost time for us to be getting ready anyway."

Sometime later Hannah and I had managed to not only get ourselves dressed but Colby as well. Colby looked the cutest among all of us in his little biker outfit that I knew everyone would love. He might not have been brought up in a good biker environment but I'd be damned if this new one we provided gave him anything other than happiness and a wonderful rest of his life.

" So shall are two ready to head downstairs? The party started not that long ago and I know the boys are dying to us," Hannah asked as she added the last final touches to her make-up in the mirror. 

I nodded in return. I was honestly a little nervous to see what Mars exact reaction would be to both of our costumes. Although there wasn't much he could to do to change them if he hated them, I honestly didn't care anyways. Tonight was about having fun and everyone getting together to celebrate with candy and alcohol.

It wasn't hard to spot Mars among the group of bikers and their families as we walked into the main part of the bar. He sat perched up on a make shift throne with a crown on his head and fancy robes covering his body. Everyone that stood in front of him was either dancing or or talking with someone else, so it made it a little tricky to get to him. Hannah had walked off in the other direction after she saw Nick with a few of the other members.

" Of course you'd be dressed as a king of all things," I shouted to him over the music.

Mars jerked his head in my direction at the sound of my voice and a smile graced his face. " Well I'll be damned. The two of you look great and I can see why you wanted to keep your costume a secret."

I glared at his assumption."Well I actually didn't pick out my costume, Hannah did. I know now that she only did it because she new what you were dressing up as." I wasn't mad that she had knowingly made us match, but I would've at-least liked to have a heads up.

" Colby does look great though. Who knows, maybe when he's old enough he'll patch in."

I laughed." That's exactly what we were thinking when I picked the costume out for him."

I looked down expecting to find Colby close by but he was nowhere to be seen. Mars seemed to sense the panic and quickly pointed over to the food table. A mop of dirty blonde hair moved back and forth as he reached up to survey the food before grabbing a few things. I laughed as he stuffed his face full of sweets.

Mars' voice pulled me back towards him." So Marlow, what do you say you come join me on my throne?"

"And why would I do that exactly?"

"Because, every king needs his queen to rule by his side," He smirked before reeling me in to his lap.

I hope you all liked it and I promise you that there will be a part 2 to this chapter. Thanks for the support and please don't forget to vote and comment :)

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