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You guys are totally gonna hate me with this twist lol. I know some of you hated the last chapter and some loved it and I already wrote this afterwards so I hope everyone doesn't hate me that much lol :)

I woke up with a gasp clutching my chest. My eye's widened as I took in the room I was put in. It was similar to my other room in the house but this one held a familiar hospital smell that clung to the room. I moved my legs a little trying to feel the soreness or look for any bruises but I found none.Confused I stood up cautiously and walked towards the bathroom so I could see for myself.

"What the hell",I whispered in disbelief as I stared back at my clear face.No bruises and no cuts from the knife.I moved my hips back and forth a little bit to see if the sting of being taken forcefully was there but still I felt nothing.

"Marlow",Paul called out as he knocked on the bedroom door.Hesitantly I peered out from behind the bathroom door to see Paul sitting on the edge of the bed starring back at me curiously.He waved his hand over at me but I kept my feet planted.

"Are you okay?"He asked pushing up off the bed taking a step towards me.In turn I took a step back making sure to keep the bathroom lock between my fingers in case I had to lock myself in here.

"What did you do to me?"

"What do you mean?"His face scrunched in confusion but I wasn't buying it.

"Are you fucking kidding me! You literally cut me with a knife and then raped me in some room after you knocked me out in the greenhouse",I yelled clenching my fists.Paul's eye's widened out of fear before a look of realization took over.

"Look can you at-least let me explain",He pleaded holding his hands up in a mock surrender.

I eyed him a for a few seconds before nodding my head for him to continue."Well what do you have to say".

"So after I took you to the gardens and you went exploring a little bit you happened to have touched a flower that makes people sick",he confessed. His eye's watched my movements to make sure I wasn't going to bolt before continuing," It was something I found a long time ago.I guess when you touched it that you passed out instead.I tried to catch you before you hit the ground but you still bumped your head".

"So that orange flower I touched made me think all that stuff came true?"I questioned still not believing him completely.

"I should have warned you before hand but I was too late".

"And you're being completely honest",I said.

"Yes I'm being honest.I don't really see any bruises or cuts on you anyways.It must've been one crazy hallucination",Paul added taking a step closer as he assessed me.He made no move to touch me which I was thankful for.

"How about I get you something to eat since you've been asleep for a few hours. You can walk around the house or just stay here. I feel bad about what happened so I won't lock the door",Paul told before heading back out the way he came in. My shoulders relaxed and I let out a breath I hadn't noticed I was holding.The hallucination seemed awfully real to just be a figment of my imagination, but my body lacked the evidence I should've sustained from the incident.

Shaking my head I padded over to a chair situated against a wall, putting myself as far away from the door as I could while trying to get rid of a headache that I could feel creeping up.

Mar's POV

Hannah, Nick and I all headed out that night to the address I had tracked via GPS. The house was situated 30 minutes away from town, perfectly secluded in the woods.The closer we got I made sure to slow down enough as to make so much noise in case there were others here that Marlow forgot to mention.Out of the corner of my eye I could see Nick trying to comfort Hannah who was shaking like a leaf.

"It's going to be okay sweetheart",Nick cooed leaning into her,"We'll find her and bring her back home. Safe and sound".

"How can you be so sure Nick",She asked hesitantly."What if he tortured her for calling us or has her locked up somewhere besides the house".Her voice kept cracking every few words but I couldn't blame her. We all just wanted Marlow back home safe.

"I'm going to promise you something Hannah. If that bastard touched a hair on her head I'm going to kill him slowly and painfully so he knows who he messed with",I said interrupting their conversation.

Hannah simply nodded back too caught up in her own thoughts to say anything back.The GPS alerted us that our destination would be coming up after our next left and i mentally began to prepare myself for the worst.As we neared the house I quickly shut off the car lights and pulled the car to a complete stop.Nick and I shared a look before we hopped out of the car and scoped out the house.Countless times Nick and I have found ourselves in this situation but with club business. Nothing new but the whole situation felt ten times as more tense.

I peaked around the corner catching Nick's eye giving him the signal.I leaped forward kicking the door down, coming face to face with a man who I could only assume was Paul.

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