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So here I am again! I'll try not to make you guys wait too long between updates.I wish I could establish set days when I update but my schedule is just too weird to try and stick to one.So without further ado here's chapter 9 :)

I'm sure my mouth looked ridiculous hanging open that wide and the blush that scorched my cheeks only furthered my humility.Mars' intense gaze put my astonished face to rest as I closed y mouth and looked away from the situation for what felt like the millionth time.Whatever mirror I broke seven years ago or black cat that crossed my path were surely blessing me with all kinds of unfortunate events over the past week.

"I think we broke her guys,"Hannah laughed as she surveyed the situation.I could feel her curious eyes sweep between the two of us ,just waiting for a reaction.

"Lets give these two some space guys.I'm sure they have a lot to discuss",Ares spoke causing the group to spread out and begin to enjoy their night.

"Looks like there's no more running from your problems kitten".His smirk was penetrating my skull and made me very aware of the mess I was just put in."Now care to explain to me again why you were in my bed looking very comfortable that morning?"

With each word he inched closer to me, pushing me away from the crowed club house and into a wall.His minty breath hit my nose as my eye's traced his lips that were only centimeters away from mine.

"I'm sure Ares told you after I left",came my weak reply.A husky laugh met my ears and sent a shiver down my spine.Everything about him screamed sex walking and my subconscious begged for me to have him ravage me against the wall.

"I want to hear it from you kitten".The nickname came out as a whisper urging me to answer him honestly.

"So I uhm got really drunk at this party with Hannah and Ares had to come get us because I was way too drunk.Last thing I remember is being carried to your room and was told to stay there for the night because you wouldn't be home until later in the afternoon". The words came out rushed and jumbled in an almost uncomprehending way but I prayed he at-least caught the point of what I was trying to say.

"See I believe the whole party part but a part of me can't get the image of you in my bed out my mind.Your frazzled hair and long slender legs wrapped inside the sheets made me believe you were asking to be caught".

"I wasn't I swe-".

"And the idea of me taking you up against this wall has been going through my mind since the second everyone left".

In what felt like an instant but a million minutes at the same time I found myself up against the cool wall with Mars' lips pressed to mine.His tongue fought for dominance with mine and eventually won as he sucked the air out of me.The kiss was intoxicating making me beg for more.

"This is just so everyone knows you're mine", Mars grunted as he switched from my mouth to my exposed neck.My hips molded against his just as a moan escaped from my mouth from the harsh assault on my neck.Bliss was the only emotion clouding my mind as I took in everything that had happened within the last five minutes.

"Don't cover it up",came his short reply as he set me down and then disappeared into the crowded club house.It took me a few minutes to gather my wits before I go search for Hannah and my brother.It didn't take long to spot the more subdued group from in the midst of crazy bikers and girls tryng to reel in their catch for the night.Hannah was the first to spot me.

"Look at that big ass hickey on your neck girl!"

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