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It was quiet in the building. The only thing you could hear was your own thoughts and your steady, rhythmic footsteps making soft sounds as they came in contact with the grass floor.

"Hey, have you seen anything going on around here?"

You tightened your lips and furrowed your brow slightly.

"If there is anything that I could note, it's that I saw Shuichi and Kaede just a moment ago. They spoke about something, and I overheard them saying that they should hurry to the library."

Your footsteps now made a more distinct and loud pacing noise as you reached the stairwell.

"Thanks for the news, Kirumi."

A chill went down your spine; you were cold. Hot air goes up leaving the area below colder, which was only reasonable in your case considering that you were now in the basement. It was dark, and it seemed like almost no one was around. You tried to navigate through the place until you heard voices, coming out of the room you were walking towards. They came closer, near the staircase you had just went down. You hid quickly, pressing your back up against one of the cool walls, and listened.

"Kaede...please don't tell anyone what I showed you. I don't want to cause a panic." Sounds like Shuichi, you declared in your mind.

"Y-Yeah, I understand..." With that, the footsteps of more than one person could be heard. They grew softer as they supposedly started to ascend back to the school building's first floor. Within a moment, you decided to come out of your spot and look around: no one was there now. Alright, now let's get this over with.

You walked over to the library. Your hand floated around the room's doorknob until finally clutching it and swinging the door open. Immediately you were hit with the smell of old books; you had to cough a little since there was a lot of dust. Now what were they talking about...? Your eyes scanned the room, not finding anything that really stuck out to you. You muttered a curse word under your breath whenever you heard...

Ding dong! Bing bong!

What was funny was that the monitor you were watching actually had the volume set down a bit lower than the other times you've heard it through other monitors. The screen flashed on, but there was only Monodam, who was as composed as ever. It stayed like that for a while until it suddenly just turned off. I guess that's the nighttime announcement. I wonder...where the other cubs are at? You shook your head, deciding it wasn't important.

You headed to your dorm, seeing a few others go to the dormitory as well. They would wave at you, and you would wave back with an unfazed expression; it was a motion you returned only to be polite. You unlocked the door to your room, finding that the lights had already dimmed by themselves. You sighed. "I'm so tired..." you mumbled while landing face down on your bed. "Hopefully I can get more sleep tonight." You crawled underneath the covers and closed your eyes.

You woke up from your rather unceremonious sleep and looked around. It was the same dark room that had greeted you the first time you woke up in the room. Oh...so I'm still here. You slapped yourself a bit trying to see if it was still just a dream; but rather than relieving you with the taste of fiction, it only woke you up more. You weren't quite sure as to why you kept hoping that is was all just a dream at that point. Looking around, you noticed that your clock read '6:48'. Not that much more sleep than last time...but it's something.

After getting out of bed and dressing yourself, you decided to walk around the school grounds for a bit. You didn't even bother to try going into either the gym or the dining hall, for you remembered that they were off limits until the official morning time. You then noticed a small figure outside doing the same thing that you were doing: just roaming around, minding their own business. Now who is that...? You walked over.

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now