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You tried to be quick in getting to your destination, but your entire body was shaking to the point where it was hard to even move. You cursed at yourself under your breath for this. You eventually made it: to the library. It was where you heard the noise. Was it the mastermind? Did someone else find the moving bookshelf? You knew you wouldn't be able to find out until you saw it for yourself. Your hand was shaky, but you felt a nervous determination as you gripped onto the library door's handle and opened up. What you saw next completely drowned all of your color, replacing it with despair.

"R-Rantaro... R-RANTARO!?" You made a small sprint over to where his presumably dead body lied. "No, wh-what?! How could this have happened...?!" You looked in awe at all of the pink blood splattered everywhere. There was a shot put ball next to him. You didn't want to believe that someone could actually have the nerve to kill him—and of all people. Wasn't he nice? He didn't do anything wrong... You were too caught up in your thoughts to hear the approaching footsteps until they were already right next to you.

"Oh, Rantaro...?" Kaede whispered, eyes wide open.

"And... (Y/N)?" Shuichi questioned suspiciously.

"What in the world!? What the hell is going on!?" Kaito yelled. Tenko just screamed loudly; and right after that, the library door suddenly burst open. In came Gonta, Himiko, Angie and Maki.

"Wh-What happen? Gonta hear scream— ...Huh!? Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! B-Blood...! So much blood!"

"Huhh? Isn't that Rantaro? What's wrong with him?" Angie asked, completely oblivious.

"...He's dead," Maki said sternly.

"Whaaat? He's dead? Well, that's unfortunate."

"How can you be so calm!?" Gonta cried out.

Shuichi silently slipped past you, making his way to Rantaro's body—careful to avoid blood—and crouching down. He put a hand up to the other one's mouth, checking for breathing. He took an extra few seconds to examine his body before getting up. "...We're too late," he said gravely.

"T-Too late...? You mean...dead?"

"H-He's dead...?"

"What else could he be!?" you interrupted. "Argh, the question we should be asking is what to do now." Almost everyone there had a look of horror. However, Kaede looked at Rantaro's body, and looked back up to the screen; no longer showing Monokuma or blaring out the loud music. You could just tell the connection she was making in her head.

"This means the killing game has started, huh?" Maki broke the silence.

"K-Killing game!? Then someone killed Rantaro and—"

"Wait, maybe not," Kaede cut Tenko off.

"What do you mean, maybe not!?"

"Maybe the killing game hasn't started... Maybe...this just ended it."

"Ended it?" Maki asked in her serious tone. "What do you mean?"

"...The mastermind. Rantaro was the mastermind," the pianist claimed.

"What!? The mastermind!?" Kaito asked in confusion.

"...I don't know how he died, but if Rantaro was on the library before the time limit ended... There's a high chance that the mastermind planned this. And if he's dead..." Shuichi trailed off.

"Oh come on!" you all of a sudden shouted. "That isn't worth nothing! Give me some damned evidence for god's sake, Rantaro isn't the mastermind! Besides, if the mastermind is literally the 'mastermind' then they can't be that easy to kill! I'm sure that Monokuma will pop up here at aaaaany second now...!!" As if on cue...

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now