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All of the survivors stood in their respective podiums. Eleven left. Monokuma began to do his regular explanation of the trial.

"Ahem! Now then, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! During the trial you'll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for 'whodunnit'. Vote correctly and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person...I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone! Now, smiles everyone! It's showtime! Let's get this crazy-awesome trial underway!"

"Sorry everyone, but I don't think I'm gonna be much help this time," Kaito spoke, rubbing his head sheepishly. "Because of Monokuma's...disruptions, I couldn't do a thorough investigation."

Kokichi already looked bored as he said, "I can tell Monokuma is overcompensating to hide this self-consciousness."

"..." Kokichi's already back to his normal self. You thought back to the look on his face when you cleaned up the blood from his pale face. He seemed...a bit confused. 'Why are you doing this for me?' you remembered him asking. 'A-Are... Are you okay with this...?' you remembered him muttering into your shoulder as he clung fiercely onto your arm.

Ah, right... I'm in a class trial going over the cases of two dead people. You quietly cleared your throat. You felt your cheeks warm up slightly out of shame, and you quickly snapped back into the conversation.

"...Who did it?" Himiko suddenly grumbled. She was glaring at everyone from underneath her hat. "Who killed Angie and Tenko?"

Korekiyo was quick to respond. "Do not let your emotions hasten your judgement. There may be two killers."

"So...our other culprit...might nooot be one of us heeere..." You could tell that Tsumugi was shivering. It seemed weird. Was she exaggerating it? Faking it entirely? Or was she really that sensitive?

"Hm? What do you mean?" Gonta asked.

"The traaansfer stuuudent..." the teen continued. "Maybe our resurrected transfer student...dragged Angie and Tenko into the grave..."

"S-Stop it! Stop making stuff up!" Kaito yelled at her.

"Kaito, you're acting like such a child over something you should know is impossible," you sighed.

"Say something, Shuichi," Maki practically hissed. "It'll be a mess if this keeps going on."

"This crime was committed by the recently deceased," Tsumugi started to go on. "They came back to life and killed two of our classmates!"

"Noooo!!!" Kaito shrieked.

"So...ritual did work!?"

"I don't think Angie's ritual succeeded," Shuichi butted in. "According to the Necronomicon Monokuma showed us, you have to burn the Necronomicon in the ritual. If Angie's ritual had succeeded, the book would have been gone."

"So she must have been killed before the ritual was complete since the book is still intact," Kiibo deducted.

"Then...Gonta think Rantaro probably not culprit."

"Oh...well, I guess you're right," Tsumugi responded.

"W-Well duh. There's no way a dead person could...r-resurrect."

"Says the guy who was basically screaming in terror just a minute ago," you spoke sarcastically.

"Now hold on a second!" Monokuma hushed everyone. "I can't let that comment stand! Sure, everybody knows that you can't bring the dead back to life... But it's easy at the Ultimate Academy! As long as you use the Necronomicon! And this is the truth. I never lie about motives."

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now