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You noticed Kirumi quietly standing in her place once most of the others had dispersed, so you decided to grab her attention and see what was up. "Hey, thinking about something?"

"...Why did the culprit not step forward and take advantage of the First Blood Perk?" she asked. "The culprit must have killed to survive, so it is odd that they would not step forward."

"That is a good point," you said. "Maybe...the culprit was trying to kill everyone else here."

"...That would explain why they would forgo their survival in favor of a class trial." She held a hand up to her mouth. "We cannot lose this fight... Even on this uncharted path, we must find our way." You nodded, and the maid began to investigate. While you do that, I'll just...here, okay. You walked over.

"Don't talk to me, filthy skank! I'm f*ckin' busy!" Miu yelled at you in annoyance. She fixed her attention from you to a controller that she was fiddling with in her hands.

"What's that for?" you asked while pointing towards the little thing, despite her efforts to ignore you.

"Dun-dun-duh-dunnnn! It's a drone!" she said proudly. She began to laugh obnoxiously while pointing a finger up into the air. "Hah! Feast your eyes on the latest creation from the gorgeous girl genius, Miu Iruma..."

"Uh...that's nice. But what's it for, though?"

"Well, I decked this baby out with a camera so it'll take perfect aerial photographs!" she replied. "From there, I'll draft a floor plan with the photos as reference to help the investigation! This way, I get outta havin' to do any actual investigation legwork!"

"Do you even know how to work that thing...?"

"Ah f*ck off!" Miu snapped at you. "As if a f*ckin' loser like you would know anything, pea-brain!"

". . ." You walked away from her, to which she returned to fiddling with her controller. I am not dumb, you told yourself. ...Right? You looked back up again, and the drone was now flying about the room. It got you to look over at the top of the bookshelves. The books Kaede had arranged haven't changed at all. She...says that it was to see if a camera could have been placed there, and to keep anyone from crawling out through the ventbut I can't seem to believe that...for some odd reason.

>>Truth Bullet: Stacked Books

All of a sudden, a loud rumbling noise sounded throughout the library. Turning and looking over in annoyance, you found Shuichi pulling the bookcase out of its spot. You stomped over. "What's the deal over here?" you asked sternly. "I lost my train of thought, and I already can't seem to focus." You slightly hit your head with part of the palm of your hand for emphasis.

"Ah, (Y/N), I was just showing Kaede something about this," Shuichi answered you. "See? If I let go of this..." The detective took his hand away from the bookcase and waited for a few moments. After that time, it started moving back in place on its own. "The bookcase is set up like an automatic door. It closes after a period of time... It makes perfect sense when you think about it. If it didn't close on its own, you wouldn't be able to put the bookcase back after you went inside."

"I see..." Kaede said. "The bookcase has to close on its own once you go through the hidden door." As for you, you just hummed to show you understood.

>>Truth Bullet: Moving Bookcase

"If it closes on its own once someone enters it, then does that mean the mastermind could have killed Rantaro, and went inside the secret door?" you inquired.

"After killing Rantaro, they ran through the hidden door... That sounds like it could happen," Shuichi said. "Let's check it."

"Huh? How would we check it?" Kaede asked.

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