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You walked out of your Ultimate lab when you spotted Kaito walking through the room. "K-Kaito!!" you called over to him. You slipped and fell straight on your face, but you kept moving towards him,

"Oh, uh, hey...(Y/N)?"

"Oh my goodness. I don't think he even remembers your name! AH-HAHA!"

"Yeah, um, that's my name," you told him. "Let's get straight to the point... Where's Kokichi? Did you catch him?"

The astronaut looked to the side sheepishly. "Not...really... But what I did catch was this!" He pulled another Flashback Light into view. "I found this after I lost Kokichi... Damn, he's faster than I expected him to be."

You looked down in slight disappointment, but you didn't let your newly found feelings cloud your rationality. "Alright, that's reasonable. So I presume that you're wanting everyone to meet in the dining hall so we can use the light?"

"Yeah! How'd you know??"

Because we do that every time there's a new Flashback Light, you answered inside your head... Idiot... Alright, I'm sorry for calling you that...I guess.

"I'll make my way over there as fast as possible, then." You rushed ahead of him to get to the dining hall as quickly as possible. You were just hoping that Kokichi wasn't getting himself into anymore trouble than what he needed to be in...

"Alright, looks like everyone's here. Let's get started," Kaito announced, pounding his fists together.

"Oh, what about Kokichi?" Gonta asked.

"Forget about him! It's his fault for messing around like that!"

"I guess...he must be a real pro at hide-and-seek," Himiko noted. "I magically looked all over the school, but he was nowhere to be found."

"No one can find him, huh?" Shuichi asked the group.

Maki bit on her nail. "He might've used the motive's card key to enter a place we're unaware of."

"Do you think that's where the real motive is being kept?" Kiibo inquired. "Either way, it's worrisome."

"Heh, next time I see him, I just gotta catch him and ask," Kaito chuckled. "Anyway, let's try out this new Flashback Light!"

Tsumugi looked down to the ground, holding her arms anxiously. "But...I'm still uneasy about these Flashback Lights... Are they really okay to use?"

"Well," Himiko started, putting a finger up to her chin, "if we don't use them, our memories will never come back, y'know? So we've got no choice but to use it! The memory we'll get from this is our only clue!"

"I agree with fish d*cks over here!" Miu exclaimed.

"Who are you calling a chunk of breaded fish!?"

You were about to ask, "Are we sure that these memories aren't fake?" until a voice cut through the room.

"Ah-haha, for someone who looks like canned tuna, you make some pretty good comebacks."

Your heart jumped when you saw him enter the room. Good, he's...he's okay. I don't know why I'm worrying so much. I said that I trusted him, right?

"Who are you calling a wad of shredded fish!? Wait...Kokichi!?"

"I knew you'd find us here," Maki said with a dirty scowl on her face, "...but only because it's you."

"Thanks for the compliment!" Kokichi spoke cheerfully. "So, why are all my merry friends gathered here?"

"First things first..." Shuichi started. "What did you do with that card key?"

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now