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You were awoken by the noise that arose from outside your door. You rose up from your bed, sitting on its edge and listened. It sounded like someone was walking—scratch that, there were multiple people walking around in the center of the dormitory. Then you heard what you believed to be the sound of doors opening.

Everyone must be heading to the dining hall, you thought. Huh... So that means I slept in a bit. But then again, I did stay up really late...

Your mind quickly raced back to what happened with Kokichi. Sh*t, we never established when we would regroup...and I doubt that he'd go to the dining hall after what happened with Gonta. You bit on your lip a bit while your mind started to race. In the background, you could barely register the sound of people slowly leaving the dormitory until there was no one left.

What comes next? Will everyone finally stop killing each other or will it just continue? What happens if we never escape...? And how's Kokichi? Oh god, will I actually be able to—

Knock, knock...

You looked over at the door and tilted your head... I'm just hearing things.

No, there's someone at the door.

You snapped back into reality and listened this time. Knock, knock. Sure enough, something or possibly even someone was at your door, making the knocking noise.

What if something bad will happen? Should you really open it...?

You realized that you had stood up, but now you were frozen in place. But...I swear that I heard everyone leave. What's the worst that could happen?


No one... No one has a motive to target me specifically...right?

You heard the knocking once more, this time a bit more insistent. You cracked.

Step by step, you cautiously approached your door, breath withdrawn. You then opened the door and looked at the person on the other side—

It was Kokichi. Thank god that of all people, it's him... Just the person I needed to see. You started to examine him a bit more. He was slightly hunched over, now looking back up at you with mildly surprised eyes. There was some sort of tool in one of his hands, with one side of it seeming to be made of metal with a jagged edge. The other tool was a thin piece of metal that was bent.

"Um..." Kokichi's expression remained calm, but a small blush crept up to his cheeks.

"Well, good morning to you, too," you said with a small chuckle. "What were you even doing...?"

Kokichi stood upright and stuffed the tools into a back pocket. "You weren't answering after I knocked just about a million times and I was getting worried, so I was about to lock pick my way in and check on you..."

"That's a lie, right? You couldn't have been waiting here for that long."

The boy stared at you for a while, not saying anything.

"...Oh... Sorry to keep you waiting, then." You awkwardly cleared your throat before stepping to the side a bit and motioning him inside. "Would you like to come in?"

He seemed to brighten up a bit. "Of course!" He bounced into your room and flopped onto your bed.

Good... He seems to be acting like normal. You closed the door behind him and walked over, joining him by sitting on the edge of the mattress. "So...how was your sleep?"

"Mhm!" Kokichi pulled himself up into a proper position, his wide, sparkling eyes meeting yours. "I slept soooo much better with your help! I also had a weird dream, too... Can I talk about it?"

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now