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Ding dong, dong ding!



"Wait...wh-what?" You blinked at the monitor which had already turned off. "No, it can't be... This has to be some prank... Please just be some prank..." You got up from your spot to shakily make your way to the Ultimate art lab. The door of the lab was already open a crack. Upon stepping inside, you noticed everyone standing around the room in a circle—in the center, was...Angie.

"We don't have time to talk about Atua!" you heard Kaito bark. "Instead of talking about Atua—"

"Yeah! We gotta talk about which one of us is the culprit, and win this game!" Kokichi cut him off.

"W-Wait, this...is part of the killing game?" Miu stammered.

"What else could it be?" Maki asked while biting down on her nail. "The fact that Angie's dead can only mean one thing... One of us killed her."

"B-But...why would someone do such awful thing!?" Gonta cried.

"Is that really what happened...?" Tsumugi wrapped her arms around herself, eyes widened in fear. "It's possible the culprit who killed Angie wasn't one of us, but—"

"Rise and shine, ursine!"

Monophanie took one glance at Angie's corpse and vomited. It was a weird...green color... "Ughhhh... Why did another murder happen?" she asked once she collected herself. "What's the deal, Monodam!? I thought you were gonna make everyone get along!"


"Ugh... But how...?"

"SO... LET'S-GET-STARTED." Monodam turned more towards the crowd of students rather than the other Monokubs. "CONDUCT-A-FRIENDLY-INVESTIGATION. THEN, WE-WILL-HAVE-A-FRIENDLY-CLASS-TRIAL. WE-MUST-DISTRIBUTE-THIS-FIRST." He pulled out a Monokuma File seemingly out of nowhere.

You narrowed your eyes at the Monokubs before walking over and snatching the file from them. "Thanks," you said half-heartedly.

"But we were supposed to pass it out..." Monotaro spoke up.

"I'm just doing what everyone else probably wanted to do but were too afraid," you snapped back. You were just feeling really impatient for some reason.


"So long, bear well!"


"...Sorry," you told the others, "I just couldn't stand them anymore..."

Now everyone is going to think you're like a douche.

"Well, you already have the Monokuma File in your hands, so go ahead and tell us what's inside...!" Kokichi encouraged you, seemingly eager himself.

You awkwardly cleared your throat, avoiding anyone's gaze as you began to read what the file had to say. "The victim is Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Artist. The body was found in the Ultimate Artist's lab. The time of death is approximately two in the morning. The cause of death is a stab wound to the back of the neck. The forehead also has a laceration."

>>Monokuma File 3

"The Monokuma File included the time of death this time," Maki pointed out.

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now