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"I met up with Ryoma during nighttime yesterday," Maki claimed.

"With Ryoma...at nighttime!?" Tsumugi repeated.

"So Ryoma was still alive at nighttime!?"

"I thought the crime took place between eight and ten o'clock at night?" Tenko spoke, thought it came out as more of a question.

"If that's true," Korekiyo started, "then we have no basis for suspecting only Kaito and Maki..."

"Th-That's right. Everyone suspected them. 'Cause they no have alibis for those times."

"That means me and Maki aren't suspects anymore!" Kaito exclaimed happily.

"It just means we have more suspects," you told the astronaut.

"Quit f*ckin' around!" Miu yelled at Maki. "You think I'm dumb enough to swallow that line of crap!?"

"Yes, this seems too convenient," Kirumi agreed.

"But why did Maki wait until now to mention that?" Kiibo questioned.

"Ah-hahahahaha! It's totally obvious!" Kokichi laughed smugly. "Maki's sooo desperate that she has to lie! We shouldn't listen to anything Maki says. She's just gonna throw out more lies."

"But if we don't ask her for more details, how will we know for sure?" Tsumugi asked the small leader in her breathy voice.

"I told you already, we son't need to... I hate liars! Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

"You're one to talk..." grumbled Himiko.

"Maki, just ignore that lying little degenerate! We'll listen to what you have to say!"

"...It must have been...a little after midnight last night," Maki explained. "He visited me at my research lab. He wanted me to show him the motive video that I received."

"If Ryoma came to ask about that, does that mean you had his motive video?" Korekiyo chimed in.

"As I recall, Ryoma had Maki's motive video, correct?" Kirumi asked. "Does this mean that you and Ryoma received one another's motive video?"

"Maybe... I actually didn't check the motive video I got, so I wouldn't know."

"Maki admitted earlier that she hadn't checked her Kubs Pad," Kiibo reminded everyone.

"Then why did Ryoma think Maki had his motive video?" Angie asked.

"If he went around asking at random," Kaito started, "he might've asked some people besides Maki."

"He never asked me!" Miu snapped. "He probably never asked you guys either, right?"

"Then...who was it that told Ryoma about his Kubs Pad?"


It was obvious... It should have been, at least. You opened your mouth before you could stop yourself. "Kokichi," you spoke quietly, but still loud enough to be heard. "Kokichi would have known who had which Kubs Pad, so he's the most likely person to have told Ryoma."

"Did you tell Ryoma that Maki had his?" Shuichi inquired at the boy.

"..." You felt a quick and small jab at your right side.

"When males get this quiet, they're either caught in a lie or thinking dirty thoughts..."

"What happened then, Maki?" Kaito piped up. "After Ryoma asked you for his motive video."

"I told Ryoma just to take it from my room. I keep my door unlocked."

"Wow Maki, that's pretty careless. Aren't you scared someone might kill you in your sleep?" For some reason, there was a hint of mischievousness in Kokichi's last part.

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now