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You opened up your eyes. What just happened? You blinked a few times, at least it felt like you did. You wouldn't be able to tell because everything in your sight was dark. While you tried to brush off the confusion, you did your best to remember what happened before you woke up. Wait, where's Kokichi...?

You tried to shoot up in place, only to find that your movements were limited. What the hell? You felt around with your hands -- they were met with the odd feeling of metal. That only added to your confusion. Vague flashbacks to when you were stuffed into a locker at the beginning of the killing game popped into your mind before being dismissed.

This is... fine. I just need to find my bearings and get out of here. I need answers as to what happened...!

You attempted to reach up and see what exactly was blocking your vision, only to discover that your arms were restricted too. Panic started to bubble in your chest, but you did your best to ignore it and stay calm. Gah, but what do I do??




You cleared your throat a bit before yelling, "HELLO!? IS ANYBODY THERE?" Sure, it was a bit risky if someone (say, Tsumugi) were to be around while you were in this position, but you really had no way to tell. You just needed to leave wherever you were and find Kokichi; at least find out what happened, whether it be good... or bad.

"...L-Look... behind you..."

Oh, Kokichi... What did that even mean? You sighed, figuring that it would be a decent amount of time before anyone would find you. Only more time to wallow in guilt. Guilt that you were gullible enough to think that you had subdued Tsumugi for enough time to get away. Guilt that you hadn't done anything better. Guilt that you weren't there in time to stop the whole thing altogether.

You squeezed your eyes shut, even though it didn't make any difference. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm--

You heard something. Something very faint in the distance.

But it was definitely there.

"Hello!? Is anybody out there?" you shouted again, this time with more panicky desperation in your voice.

...You began to hear the quick paced clicking and clacking of high heels on a hard surface. Both panic and relief rushed through you.

The footsteps got louder by the second, and eventually, they only seemed to be a few feet away.

"A-Ah! You're... patient (Y/N), right?" The soft voice was that of a female, but you couldn't for the life of you recognize it.

Wait... "patient"? And also...--

"Please, d-don't panic! I know that you don't know me and that you're probably very confused right now, but trust me, I'm not a bad person. I'm only a nurse... I'll explain everything to you, but first, let me help you out of there..."

You stayed silent and still, listening as you heard things being unstrapped and unplugged. Finally, she took your headset off and helped you to sit up. With your vision finally returning, you immediately looked around. The room that you were in was plain enough, having white walls, a window off to the side, and one small painting of a forget-me-not. As for what was restricting you, you looked down to find yourself in a weird capsule that looked like it belonged in a sci-fi movie. Underneath of you was just a small layer of cushion, sunken down from where your body had previously lied. Next to you was a machine with a bunch of wires, buttons, switches, and all other things of the like that you could think of.

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now