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"Have a good day babygirl. I like that sweater. Don't forget I'll be sitting right here at three." I teased Miracle  as she opened the back door.

She huffed loudly and slammed the door closed causing the car to shake a little. I made sure she got inside the high school before pulling off.

"You wrong for making my niece wear that outfit in this eighty degree weather." Nick laughed as I kept my eyes on the road bobbing my head to the music being played.

"Man she gotta' learn." I told him stopping at the light.

"Speaking of learning. You need to learn how to talk to a lady. Don't even know why you told Mo she was a bad parent knowing damn well she was the only parent for your kids."

I sighed and eased on the gas as soon as the light turned the color green. "I know. I was letting my thoughts do all the talking. I apologized afterwards though."

"You should've." Nick said then the car got quiet. "So you willing to help take care of her baby?"

My head turned quickly at him then placed my eyes back on the road. "Imma be honest bro I don't want to."

"But she raised yours." He said talking nothing but he truth.

"You right, you right. It's just the thought that it's not mine. It don't feel right.

"Put your pride aside man. Put yourself in Monica's shoes."

I licked my bottom lip then looked up at the many signs on the side of the road realizing we were uptown. Nothing but the rich social class stayed up here.

"Aye what's that address again." I slowed down making sure I didn't pass up the road we were suppose to be turning on.

"224 Bullard Drive." Nick read the address off the piece of paper I had written it on.

I eased off the breaks and stepped on the gas going towards the direction of Carter's residence.

It was deep in the city and almost hidden.

"Is this it?" I asked Nick looking at the small condo with a red Dodge Charger sitting outside along with a grey jaguar.

"Yup. This is it."

I parked further down the road so Carter wouldn't notice the vehicle we were in. I killed the engine and rolled down the windows letting a nice breeze flow inside.

"Alright what's the plan." Nick said dropping bullets inside his pistol.

"Man put that shit away." I let my seat back and put my hand under my head lighting a blunt in the other.

"What you doing bro! This not nap time."

"Still dumb I see." I sighed and shook my head. "We can't charge in there busting shit down. We wait for him to come out."

"Wait this wait that. That's all you say."

"Patience is a virtue."


My heavy book bag on my back weighed me down as I walked down the freshman hallway. As soon as I opened my locker my dance bag as well as textbooks and paper fell out. The first bell sounded and everyone scattered trying to get to class stepping all over my stuff.

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