Ahead Of The Game

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King hung up the phone and I have no idea what's going on. Our house could not be the first house on the east the cops decided to search. It just wasn't possible. This could only mean one thing and one thing only, Carter knows.

"Mrs. Lee can you please watch my class just for a moment." I asked the teacher across the hallway. I had to immediately get home and attempt to save the boys.


"Thank you." I took off not waiting for her response. I jogged towards the schools exit only to be stopped.

"Ms. Henderson where do you think you're going." Principle Jones stepped in front of me.

"I need to run home really quickly. I'll be right back."

"I don't think so.


"If you walk out that door consider yourself unemployed." He threatened to take my job away.

"You can't do that!"

"I indeed can. Like I told you this morning you've missed to many days."

"It's an emergency I need to get home!"

"You leave this school, you lose your job. Simple."

I looked at him then back at the door debating inside my head if it was worth it.

"Take your pick."

I pushed passed him and walked out the door racing to my truck.

"You're fired!" I heard him yell from behind me.

At the moment I didn't care because I was going to end up taking off for months as I got further in my pregnancy. All I cared about was saving King and Nick.

"Think Mo think." I said to myself racing with the traffic. How was I possibly going to get them out of this one?

I blew my horn at the car that was moving slowly in front of me. I switched to the left lane and passed them up quickly. Five minutes later I pulled up to the house seeing the front door wide open.

I jumped out the car and slammed the door behind me. I walked inside to see policemen and women wondering around inside.

"Excuse me!" I yelled getting everyone's attention. "What the hell is going on."

"You must be the owner of the house? I'm Officer-"

"Conner. Yea I know. You work with my baby's father."

"Oh. You're Monica?"

"Yes. What are you all doing in my house."

"We are required to search everyone's house. If you didn't know we're looking a victim that could possibly be in this area."

"I understand that but you can't be in my house while I'm not here!" I fussed. I looked around noticing that all the pictures of King and Nick were missing.

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