Chapter 6 - Michael🌙

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I think in a way, I wanted Alpha Natalya to be mine because she felt the same that I felt when I lost my mate. I used the feelings we both were faced with, my feelings for her, and the tragedy of never seeing our destined mate as an excuse to fill the empty space in my soul. Now, I can see it was foolish of me. She was one of the lucky ones who have discovered that her mate didn't die. That her mate was still alive.

How great will it be to find out that mine was too?

Will I be where I am now or will I have pups running around the house already?

The thought brought stabbing pain in my chest and I inhaled sharply to ease the pressure. It was useless to think about it, at least, I try not to think about it. I knew if I didn't stop myself from hurdling in that directions I will soon get lost again.

I can hear Misha humming a tune next to me. Her face turned towards her side window. Her fiery red hair now tied up into a loose bun at the top of her head. A few rebellious strands softly around the back of her neck.

She was different.

The Misha I remembered was more reserved. When I looked into her eyes that night when she was drunk, all I saw was sadness and heartache. She was in a different kind of pain. I don't like getting close to women. In fact, I haven't touched one in the longest time but with her I couldn't say no. I held her to sleep that night and I couldn't find it in myself to let her go. I wanted to protect this broken Misha, of that, I knew for a fact.

On the other hand, the woman next to me humming a tune was a happier version of her. She was brighter and entirely clueless. She was sassy and her eyes held so much innocence. Again, I felt another protective instinct take over. I knew that I wanted to protect this Misha. This Misha was not hurt. She wasn't in any pain.

She was happy.

"Laurel," I will never get use to that name.

She stopped humming and turned to me. Her eyebrows shooting up in silent curiosity. I wanted to know what happened to her after she left Alpha Natalya's territory.

"Do you remember what happened to you? How did you find yourself in our town?" I asked.

Her smile slipped a little. I kept my eyes focused on the road but I could feel the uncertainty rolling around in the air. I couldn't tell if she wasn't sure if she should tell me or if she wasn't sure what happened.

"I don't remember everything. I tried so hard for the first few months that was all I did. I pushed myself to remember something but I can't remember anything." Her wavering and frustrated voice told me she was telling the truth.

"What can you remember?" I asked.

"Waking up alone in the middle of nowhere. It was night time and rain was starting to fall heavily. I think it was part of the reason I woke up. I felt like the air in my lungs were taken away forcefully and no matter how much I tried to breath I couldn't. It felt like someone set my lungs on fire. I remember feeling frightened and unsafe." She looked straight ahead with me at the open road. Her eyes glazed over as she remembered the night.

"I felt something in my guts telling me I needed to run. I couldn't stay there. It wasn't safe."

"Do you feel another presence within you?" I asked.

She pouted as she mulled over my question, "What do you mean?"

"It's like a conscience—a second voice or something." I didn't know how to explain it to her without telling it to her that she was a werewolf.

"Doesn't everyone have a conscience?"

"Yes, but more spiritual." I persisted.

She hummed, "I guess I feel it sometimes."

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