Chapter 24 - Misha

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Several days has past since Michael's capture, Josef had to keep me mostly sedated. Every time I was awake, I ended up crying and wanting to go find him.  I know that I was being unreasonable. What can I do? Where can I go to find him? There was no hope but with each passing second, it was another second he was gone. Another second of him being under Alpha Rayne's control.

The old Alpha had taken over temporarily to help with the funeral services and the chaos happening within the pack. In these kind of situation, they needed stability and someone of sound mind. Although the Alpha isn't completely healed and was also mourning the capturing of Michael, he stood strong and guided the pack through all the pain and heartache. I felt immensely responsible for all this. Alpha Rayne wanted me and I had no clue how to give her what she wanted or what to do.

If I give myself up, I knew it wouldn't save anybody. If I walked away from the pack, I was a coward. There wasn't anything else I could do and for me to cry and wanting to run and find Michael wasn't helping anyone. So, instead I stayed and helped as much as I can. I began healing people again. The power was coming a lot easier now. If I did it sessions with breaks in between I could heal the ones who were recovering from their injuries.

I haven't told anyone yet but along with using my healing powers I have also increased the amount of memories that were flooding through my mind. It was like a movie script playing in my mind each time I healed someone. It was part of the reason why I worked so hard in healing everybody. I wanted to get pack the most important piece and that was to find the amulet.

I remember my past. I remember Alpha Constantin and Alpha Natalya. I remember having feelings for Alpha Constantin and telling them that I had given up the amulet to save his life.

Another memory that passed through me during one of my session was my first encounter with Michael. The night of the bon fire. I was seriously drunk and he helped me to bed. I stupidly asked him to stay with me and he did. He held me through the night. I came back to reality feeling a large missing piece was missing within my heart. I missed him terribly and a week has gone by.

After a long session of healing some pups, I found myself an empty medical room and collapsed onto the bed. Closing my eyes, I allowed exhaustion to pull me into a deep sleep. Again, I dreamt of my past.

I watched everyone crowd the front of the pack house. It seemed my stay here has expired. There was no reason to stay. Constantin had healed regardless if the cure worked or not. I had written a letter and carefully placed in the couple's room before packing my backpack.

I was on my way out of the pack house and stopped briefly to observe the crowd. No one seemed to notice me. No one ever does. I didn't have any family and I was used to being alone. Hoisting my backpack strap over my shoulder, I turned away from the crowd and headed in the opposite direction. However, I was stopped by a strong pair of hand wrapping around my elbow.

I turned to see that Michael stood before me. He looked at me confused. His eyes flickering to the backpack on my back. Sighing, I turned to face him. I will never get to see this strange man again. He will only be a person in my life-someone I met for a moment in my life. He will eventually forget me and move on.

"Michael." I gave him one of my biggest smile.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"My time here is up. There is no need for me to stay." I debated if I should tell him the truth or not.

"So, you are just going to sneak out now? There is going to be a challenge going down and you are leaving." He looked surprise.

"It seems like a perfect time. No one will notice I am gone." I shrugged.

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