Chapter 13 - Michael🌙

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I stormed into my office. My wolf was on edge and I felt like I was losing my grasp on any sanity I had left. She was able to name the names of the barks and herbs. The feeling of cold water washed over me the minute I heard her called out the name of each herb.

I knew by doing this she will be upset with me if she had ever found out. Hell, I'll be upset if someone did that to me but it will keep her safe.

"Fvck." I muttered, while running my hand roughly through my hair in frustration.

I was talking to Beta Josef and my father regarding the repeated attacks on our borders we have been having lately, when I caught sight of her on the side of the street. She looked at me with those pure blue eyes of her and my heart was thumping in my chest a million beats per minute. She looked stunning today. I can still smell her essence on my bedsheets and pillow.

The door to my office open and Beta Josef walked in. he sat down in his usual seat. I paced in front of my window unable to sit down. Beta Josef watched me pace back and forth before speaking up.

"What is she to you?" He asked. I can hear the clear interest in his voice. "Do you like her? Do you two have a relationship? Are you courting her?"

"It's not important." I snarled, glaring fiercely at him.

He sighed and adjusted his position, "I need to know to know what kind of effort I should exert to keep her safe."

I knew what he meant by that. I turned and pierced him with a threatening glare. "She's important. If she's harmed or even receives a scratch on her body-I will rip your throat apart if you're at fault."

The corner of his lip lifted, "She's very important. Got it."

I growled and turned back to pacing. It was driving me insane. I didn't know what else to do. The spy we sent have not yet returned. The rogue attacks on our borders was just getting worse and worse. My father was doing everything he can to keep them at bay while I figure out who was behind all this. Giving Misha the knowledge that she is a healer might not give me the advantage that I want.

What if by telling her, I was only putting her life more at risk.

Why were rogues attacking our borders when they know it wasn't easy to get through a whole town?

Was there something going on that I couldn't see?

"What happened?" Josef asked.

I stopped and glanced at him to see if he really wanted to know. His face lost its smirk. He really wanted to know. I turned with a sigh.

"She was able to name the medicinal herbs sold in the market today."

"You're afraid she will soon start to remember..." Josef spoke my thoughts out loud.

I turned to face the window, stuffing my hands into my pocket. I gazed out over the horizon where the sun was setting. A slow gut churning sensation befalling over me. I felt sick lying to her. I hated calling her Laurel but I want to do everything I can to save her.

"The Misha I knew was as sweet as the Misha I know now." I said. I remember her giving up on her love Alpha Constantin. "Her selflessness is admirable."

I sighed and looked back down to the mansion open ground, "If she finds out, she will hate me but I rather she be safe and hated me than hurt because of me."

"Healers don't have mates." Josef mentioned.

"I know." I replied.

"I am going to be blunt, what are your intention towards the healer?" Josef questioned, in his own little thoughts.

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