Chapter 17 - Misha

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Everything seemed foggy. It was like I was wearing super goggles that narrowed my vision tremendously. Everything was so dark. I felt so alone—so afraid. I can hear my heart beat pounding furiously in my body. My ear drums were drumming and ringing from all the silence. I can feel each cold lash of wind against my skin, only there was no wind. Everything was just so cold. There was no sun light. All I could see was darkness. Down in the deepest part of desolation I had ever felt in my life.

I heard metal shifting—someone was coming down. My ears zoned in on the footsteps. A man stood before me with a sinister grin.

"Good morning, Healer." He said in a gleefully cold voice.

I backed up all the way to the other side of the room. A dog like whimper past my lips and I whined when he started to open the door. He wore heavy steel toe boots. Somehow, I knew what was to come because I tried to run around him but he anticipated me fleeing. His feet rammed right into my side. I whimpered like a puppy and crumbled to the ground.

"Let's get started again today. The same question applies just like every morning. If you tell me where it is, I will stop torturing you. You have to just only say the word, Healer." He turned around and locked the door behind him to prevent me from escaping.

I watched him closely as he pulled out his torturing knife. Every day, a part of my body was tortured. Slowly sliced not to kill me but enough to leave me weak. They will leave me and come back the next morning to give another part of my body the same attention.

He turned back to me, "Shift, Healer."

I felt my head shaking.

"Shift or I will make bigger damage on you today."

Reluctantly, I shifted. My blurred vision cleared up a little. I can see the thick beard around his chin. The dark heavy curls that was tied up into a bun. He looked like a lumberjack.

"Good girl." He grinned. He walked over and yanked my weak body up by the arms. I stumbled and tripped as he pulled me towards the chains. His hands snapping the cold metal chains around my injured wrists.

"Tell me where it is, Healer."

I lifted my head weakly to look him in the eyes, "You will never find it. Kill me. Do what you need with me but I will never give you what you want."

His eyes flashed with anger. He backhanded me hard across the face. I felt warm blood spread throughout my mouth. I spit it out and looked back at him with my own grin.

"I am not scared of you. Kill me. Drain me. Do what you need to do but you will never get the amulet. It is gone and with my death so will it die along with me." I hissed with any strength I had left.

He snarled and slashed me across my chest. I cried out and thrashed against the searing pain. It was like a burning trail of fire against my skin.

"I like you better when you are screaming, Misha." He said huskily. "You don't know what it does to me."

"Sick bastard. You can go to hell." I spat my blood in his face.

Watching the scene unfold in front of me, my heart skipped a beat. Misha. I heard of that name before but I couldn't pin point where it was. I can feel how frustrated I was becoming. Everything seemed so familiar. The pain. The setting. I know this place but I can't remember.

For hours, I was tortured. For hours it seemed I watched him hurt the body I was in. I felt every single mark on my body. I felt everything as if I was there alive right now.

"Just kill me already..." I whispered weakly when he had given me another small mark.

"If you die, she will have my head. No, that can't happen. You will remain my pet. I will do whatever I want with you until I get the truth out of you. Her orders. I can and will do everything I can to make you submit, Misha."

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