Chapter 16 - Misha

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On our way back home, I thought about what Michael had asked me. I had told him, it my memories come, it comes. I was in no worry but a part of me wants to know. I wanted to know what happened.

Did I have any loved ones in the past?

Did I leave behind anybody who will be missing me?

So, if it doesn't come I won't push for it but I am hoping it does return. My memories.

Michael pulled me in for a secretive, long, and passionate kiss. No one saw as we were hidden in the shadows. He covered my body with his burly one. When he was done leaving me breathless, he let me go. Michael watched me entered into my quarters.

However, when I heard his disappearing footsteps upstairs, I made my way back up the steps. Tip toeing. The pack house as quiet as the grave yard. Everyone had fallen asleep. Michael and I didn't get back until way after midnight.

I made it to the second floor landing before I took a quick route towards my destination. I glanced around me several times just to make sure no one could see me. My heart drumming in my chest from the fear of being caught.

When I arrived at the door I wanted, I twisted the knob and hoped to dear god it was unlocked. When I twisted and it was, I let out a sigh of relief. Of course Michael wouldn't lock it. He was the Alpha. Who was stupid enough to enter into his office without his permission?

I walked towards his desk, slipping around it to where he sits. The seat was made of expensive black leather. It was huge for a man his size. Nervously, I fidgeted with the knob on his drawer. The cool metal almost warning me not to open it. I inhaled and pulled back.

There were millions of papers. So many documents to shuffle through. I found a small reading about healers. It immediately interested me. I stuffed the report into dress pocket.

When I couldn't find what I was looking for. I closed the drawer and pulled another one. In this one there were files of every person in this town. Profiles of each one and their skills. My eyes skimmed until I found mine. I was about to slip it out when another thing caught my eyes.

The report that I was reading the other day.

My hands moved towards it and I picked it up. I was too tired I didn't get a chance to read it. My eyes scanned the report and something inside me tugged. I felt fear, true fear. I was terrified. My eyes couldn't tear away from the amulet.

I was having one of those moments where I know I know what I am looking at but it was not coming out. I couldn't put the two together. The amulet was beautiful and somehow very familiar.

I placed the paper down and picked up another piece of report. It was a historical event date about Alpha Rayne. The name made my hands stilled. My heart seemed to have lodge itself into my throat. I couldn't breathe. The name caused me to panic. I dropped it and scrambled out of his over-sized office chair.

I ran out of the office. My feet pounding on the hard marble flooring. I don't know what I was running from. I just knew I needed to get away.

I tripped on my feet and felt hard onto the floor. A whimper past my lips and I looked around to see if anyone heard me. Getting back on my feet, I hastened down the stairs and to my bedroom. I slammed the door closed and locked it.

My room was pitch dark. I felt like the walls were closing. I didn't feel safe. I flipped on the switch and scanned the room.

I was alone.

I am safe.

I am surrounded by werewolves.

No one will dare harm me.

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