Chapter 26 - Michael

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I am typing out these chapters as fast as I can. I'm starting class another class soon and don't want to feel too overwhelmed. It was a good thing I had Misha's story all mapped out. There is a total of eight to nine chapters left. Yes, still a whole lot more to cover.

For those who asked about my pregnancy, I am doing well. I have started to feel baby move. My little peanut is active at night and in the morning. My little peanut is usually quiet around lunch time. Four more months and this baby is coming. My baby anatomy ultrasound is next week Monday. I will keep you all inform if we are team pink or team blue. :P

Leila Vy

I was growing weaker each day. First day, I had woken up to be securely chained to a wall. My arms and legs were cuffed. Being a prisoner was no joy ride. I didn't get the luxury of walking around. I was too much of a risk and a danger to whoever came in.

Capturing an Alpha was one thing. Torturing was a whole another thing. They made sure I couldn't rip their throats.

Each day, my torturer came in, wearing his steel toe boots. The wolf was strong. I'll give him that. His size was almost as big as mine. His scraggily blonde hair stuck to him like a second skin—oily and revolting.

When he came in the first time, he enjoyed inflicting pain on me. I was punched so many times I couldn't count. All I could feel was pain. It shot all over my body. My jaw popped out many times and my eyes were swollen shut.

"You better hope that slut of yours come and save your sorry arse. If she doesn't I'll take the pleasure of torturing you daily." He said on the second day.

I hoped to god that Misha wasn't stupid enough to come charging back here. Alpha Rayne told me that she caught my spy easily. She let him tail around her territory and had her little fun with him before she sent him back in pieces.

It was like she had no heart. There was no emotions or feelings in her eyes. She told me why she was doing this on the first day she brought me back here.

"Men are alike. Unfaithful. Disgusting. Weak." She spat as she paced before him in the dungeon. "Your craving for power and idea of male domination I find completely revolting and frankly I'm offended. You think you're stronger than me but you are the one who is chained. You didn't outsmart me. I outsmarted you. Alpha Michael, your pack thought you saved me but you only added more oil to the fire. My hatred for you dominating males can never be quenched. I want you all to submit, kneeling down on your knees like the disgusting mutts you all are."

Water splashed on my face. It was day six since I've been here. My torturer stood before me and like always he held a carving animal knife. He cut me, stabbed me, drained me of my blood to keep me weak. I looked up at him through hooded eyes. Pain vibrated through my body.

The young looking female doctor walked in and like every day she tended to my wounds mildly but not enough to heal them. No stitches or anything. She looked at my wrists and noticed the bruising and the blood. It was burning.

"Your wrists are infected." She said quietly before turning to my torturer.

"You are going to have to release one side of his cuff. He won't survive this. His body is burning up from the infection. His wolf is losing strength. Soon, his wolf won't be able to heal these wounds. He will die." The doctor insisted.

The torturer scoffed, "Have you seen the size of him?"

I lifted my head weakly to look at him, "Afraid I'll kill you?"

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