Chapter 9 - Michael🌙

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I heard a scream before I was quickly pushed off my bed. Surprised at the attack, I wasn't prepared to hit the floor face first. I muttered a curse as I pushed myself up to a sitting position. This was not how I wanted to wake up.

I turned to face Misha who looked terrified. The woman's fiery red hair sticking out in every direction as she held up my pillow up in the air ready to throw it at me. I gave her one of my hardest glare.

"Don't you dare." I ordered, pointing my finger at her.

"What did you do?" She shouted, her eyes were frantic.

"Nothing!" I growled.

She threw the pillow at my face.

Ok, that's it. The woman's a psycho. I jumped onto the bed and pinned her down. It was a very hard task as she was failing her hands everywhere and scratching me all over. I growled lowly before wrapping my hands around her wrist and pinning them above her head. I straddled her hips to stop her legs from trashing.

"Why am I in your bed then if we didn't do anything?" She snapped angrily. Her eyes flaming up in anger.

I rolled my eyes, "You crazy woman, I did nothing. You fell asleep in my office and I took you to my bed where you slept like the dead. I slept on the other side of the bed."

"Liar!" She shouted and started struggling again.

I clenched my jaw in irritation. "Stop struggling, Laurel. If you don't stop I'll make sure to tie you to this bed!"

She stopped struggling immediately. I exhaled with annoyance. My eyes narrowing on her as I spoke.

"I did not touch you. If I were to touch you, trust me when I say you will be more naked than this." My eyes roamed her body up and down.

She squawked and glared at me, "How am I to believe you didn't touch me?"

"I can't show you the truth. You just have to believe me." I explained impatiently.

She scoffed, "Fat chance!"

"You know what?" The corner of my lips lifted. "Since you insist that I touched you I might as well make use of your accusation."

I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She gasped and began struggling more. I tightened my grip on her body and kissed her nose then her cheeks. She managed to free a side of her hip where her on of her legs made contact with my manhood.

I rolled over in pain. She gave me a triumph smile. "Serves you right."

"You're crazy."

"And your insane!" She glared darts at me.

She picked up a pillow and threw it right at me. I growled and threw it back at her. It hit her in the face and she stumbled back a little in surprise. When the pillow fell from her face, she was livid. She launched herself at me. I pulled up the blanket to shield my body. She crawled onto my body and began punching me through the blanket.

"You're an asshole!" She shouted.

"Are you always this grouchy in the morning?" I asked from underneath the blanket.

She growled and attempted to yank the blanket off.

"Rape! Rape!" I shouted.

"Will you shut up?" She ordered angrily.

I laughed and let go of the blanket. She flew back onto her butt at the sudden force. I got up and ran into the bathroom as fast as I can. Just in time too. I heard something hit my door before clattering onto the ground.

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