First Couple of Weeks

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Hello guys!
A little background before we begin my nickname is Lexi and this is my journal about putting the final pieces together in my mind that I am a Therian. I'm planning on also making this a guide for new Therians! This is my first post and I'm very nervous, but let's get right down to the story. I always knew there was something off with me ever since I was little. While other kids were playing with toys I was in the woods running through trails. I had a connection with nature and with animals. I have always believed that I was a freak because of these crazy instincts that I always had. I'll give you guys some examples:

*Running in the woods
*Being carful at peoples houses because I considered it their "territory"
*Howling and growling when I was upset or nervous
*Playing with animals was more natural for me

See what I'm saying guys I have always known deep down that I was different but I never knew why. I always had thought that I just loved animals so much that I took on their traits. So I did nothing about my animal and let my animal do his/hers own thing inside of me. I started high school and the instincts grew, but I ignored them because I thought they would just always be there. It was by accident that I discovered Therians. I was browsing on some sites about wolves when I saw a recommended pop up about a thing called Therianthropy. When I read about what being a Therian was and some of the signs I realized that I might have had an animal soul inside myself when I was born.

Trust me when I say that I have done tons and tons of soul searching and research before writing this and asking to join the community. I have
meditated for 4 weeks and found what type of therotype I have inside of me.

I met my wolf therotype and I can honestly say that she is beautiful! I am still meditating trying to find her name, but she is a grey wolf with yellow, intelligent eyes. I'll let you guys know when I find out more about her! Thanks for reading this!


Lexi and (Nameless Wolf Therian)

My Therian Guide/JournalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang